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I think I ought to explain my story properly. I'm ready now. Although you have to understand some things first. I have always been troubled by nightmares. The same terrifying, irrational nightmare. I went to counselling because of them. It was affecting my sleep, so therefore my school work, and therefore my grades. It all started after a dizzy spell when I was eleven years old. I was walking home and just fainted.

In. The. Road.

In. Front. Of. A. Car.

I woke up in hospital, I'd had a terrible head trauma. And then the nightmares began. Relentlessly, every single night. Don't think I'm mad. The dreams were not because of the head trauma; it was the other way round. It was because of what happened in the other world. I was going to die the day before, but he intervened. The ruler at the time was furious, and determined to kill me the next day. So I fainted in the road - the ruler made me. But I didn't die. Because he was kind. He would become a demon to let me live. A complete stranger. He didn't know who I was, anything about me.

But. He. Didn't. Let. Me. Die.

It was only on the ruler's whim that I was going to die. He went up against the ruler. He sacrificed himself for a stranger - in exchange for my life he became a demon. Is that not the heart of goodness? If it is not then the heart of goodness does not exist.

Why. Did. He. Save. Me?

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