Ex-Best Friends

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Winnie carries her laptop to the kitchen and sets it down on the bar. Grabbing the eggs for her omelet, she resumes the footage captured from a small drone nicknamed "Red Wing". She cracks an egg one handed into the bowl then another. For an Avenger Falcon doesn't really have the best cyber-security on his drone. Maybe she would get the chance to fix that if she ever did meet him. She dices onions and bits of ham when Redwing spots a warehouse just outside of a heavily wooded area. Satisfied with the few screenshots of the area and a geotag, Winnie mixes the eggs and toppings for her omelet together. As she cooks the eggs, Winnie sprinkles in generous amounts of cheese. She sighs and dials the new number on her phone.

As she waits for the recipient to pick up Winnie sits at her dining room table and starts eating her breakfast.

"Hi, Is this Joaquin Torres, don't panic. I'm the security breach. I work with a formerly avenger adjacent super powered individual. "Winnie greets.

"Uh yes,who are you and who is your super powered individual?" Joaquin asks, trying to keep her on the phone to track her location.

"Call me W, and um Bucky Barnes." Winnie answers carefully stabbing a piece of egg.

"The Winter Soldier? Joaquin zero ins on the IP address, placing her in Sweden.

"He's not that person anymore."Winnie adds.

"Your IP address puts you in Sweden, something tells me you're not Swedish. "Joaquin smirks.

"I like Swedish soap operas, I can't very well get them here." Winnie laughs.

"VPN, that's smart. Joaquin says.

"Thank you." Winnie can't help but be a little charmed by this man. There's something about his voice.

" I'm almost a little impressed. " Joaquin admits.

" Would you be impressed if I said I'm watching Red Wing." Winnie gloats

" You hacked into Sam's tech. He's not gonna like that. " Joaquin warns.

"Not maliciously, I just need a few questions answered." Winnie defends herself.

" Shoot. " Joaquin replies.

"What are the flag smashers after?"Winnie asks.

"They think the world was better during the blip." Joaquin answers with the few bits of information he has.

"But why? I'm also trying to figure out why they pin their location, after a few hours it disappears but I've saved a few on my map. No real pattern, just places where people need help. Could be anywhere after returning." Winnie questions.

"That's the million dollar question. I'm meeting with Sam on Friday." Joaquin adds, " Red Wing as you can see found something in Munich.

"Hotspot of activity." Winnie muses.

"Bingo." Joaquin snaps his fingers.

" It'll be hard to convince Buck," Winnie pauses then adds," But if worst comes to worst I'll go by myself. Ex-shield after all. "

"You were with S.H.I.E.L.D Like Peggy Carter, S.H.I.E.L.D. ?" Joaquin asks, shocked.

"Or Clint Barton, Or Natasha Romanoff." Winnie names a few more.

"Woah." Joaquin says.

"See you Friday." Winnie ends the call.

Winnie sighs and puts the plate in the sink to wash later. If she's going to Munich on Friday, she'll need her old gear. She walks to her room and digs through the closet until she pulls out a large waterproof rubber bin. It's everything she took when she left S.H.I.E.L.D. Winnie pulls off the tote's lid and takes out the top most piece of clothing. The tactical overalls, a pair of black bullet proof overalls with several pockets along the front and back, including two gun holsters on each side, a place to hold a lightweight enforced steel whip: another invention of her's.

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