An Assassin, A Terrorist, A Thief, And A Bird Walk Into Madripoor

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"I'm going to go in alone." Bucky turns to Winnie and Sam.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"Bucky does have a better chance of getting answers." Winnie adds.

"Also you're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that." Bucky says.

"It's not like you two are known for frolicking in the sun together."

"Zemo would be a good informant though, Sam."

"He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it." Bucky walks off to speak with Zemo.

Sam turns to Winnie " Why aren't you volunteering to go in with him?"

"I can't, I doubt Zemo likes me much." Winnie scoffs.

"Right, SHIELD."

"Yeah." Winnie nods hoping Sam drops it.

"So." Sam changes the subject, " You were kind of out of it when I mentioned Sharon."

"I said then that I didn't want to talk about it."

"How about now?"

"Look, right before Shield fell I found some documents connecting the dots.I saved them to a flash drive and drove my ass home to the apartment Sharon and I shared. I tried to tell her, she got defensive, we got in a fight. She claimed I was a part of Hydra. I called her a bitch and left." Winnie explains.

"That's rough."

"Yeah, I don't see us working it out. "

"There's always couple's therapy." Sam suggests with a laugh.

"Oh right, how'd that session go?"

"Got to stare into his baby blues."

"Did that help?"


"I could do better than that."

"Oh I bet he'd like that." Sam smirks.

"Not what I meant." Winnie rolls her eyes.

"What are you talking about breaking Zemo out of jail? Where the hell are we Buck? Have you lost your mind?" Sam asks.

"That's a fantastic idea, Buck." Winnie says sarcastically.

"We have no leads, no moves, nothing."

"What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars."

"That Bucky wants to let out of those bars." Winnie sidesteps by Sam to avoid tripping.

"We also have eight super soldiers on the loose."

"Shit, he's gotta point, Sam."

"Zemo is gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours."

"He also probably doesn't like me either." Winnie adds rubbing the back of her neck.

"Offense, super soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy but he still has a code."

"How crazy?" Winnie asks.

"Bag of cats." Sam answers.

"He blew up the UN, killed King T'chaka and framed you for it." Sam continues.

"We don't know how they're getting the serum."

Bucky says.

"We don't even know how much serum is out there." Winnie replies then adds " Or who put it out there in the first place."

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