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"Buck. Are you watching this?" Winnie asks looking away from the television

"I am." Bucky says shortly.

"You okay?" Winnie asks as the interview with Good Morning America begins.

"No." Bucky answers flatly.

"I found out where the Flag smashers are." Winnie changes the subject.

"Good" Bucky answers, his eyes not looking away from his television screen.

"So did Sam." Winnie adds.

"I'm not calling him." Bucky thinks about throwing something,anything at the tv but stops himself.

"You don't have to. I leave Fri-tomorrow to check it out." Winnie informs him.

"You can't go alone." Bucky shakes his head even if she can't see him through the phone.

"I'm not alone." Winnie packs her bag.

"If you're right and these are super soldiers, you and Sam won't be enough to take them." Bucky insists.

"Then grab your oil can and let's go." Winnie laughs.

"We need a plan,"Bucky says.

"What we do have is a plane, a former avenger, a man with a vibranium arm, that's you, and a stunning tech whiz, that's me." Winnie says.

"That will have to be enough, I guess." Bucky sighs.

" Meet me at the bus station, four in the morning tomorrow."Winnie hangs up.

Winnie and Bucky stand at the lower part of the military complex.

"Your guy better be here." Bucky says.

"He is."Winnie points up towards Joaquin and Sam.

Bucky sighs.

"Shouldn't have given up the shield." Bucky walks over.

Winnie follows and holds him by the shoulder. "Easy Buck."

"Good to see you too, Buck." Sam scoffs.

"This is wrong." Bucky starts.

"Hey hey, look, I'm working, all right. So all this is gonna have to wait." Sam stops him.

"You didn't know that was gonna happen." Bucky asks.

"It was pretty obvious." Winnie interjects.

"Who are you?"- Sam looks at Winnie.

"I'm Winnie, Ex- shield and a hacker friend of Buck's." Winnie answers.

"Anyway, no of course I didn't know that was gonna happen." Sam adds. " You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out there, and call him the new Captain America."

"Steve didn't want this." Bucky says bluntly.

"Oh my god. What do you want me to do? Call America and tell them I changed my mind. Huh."Sam replies.

"You had no right to give up the shield." Bucky says sternly.

"Buck." Winnie warns.

"Hey, this is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over, Bucky. Besides I have bigger things to deal with now." - Sam walks away with Bucky and Winnie following.

"The Flagsmashers, we know."- Winnie explains.

"How do you know?" Sam asks.

"I hacked Joaquin's phone and your drone, Green Sparrow." Winnie says.

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