Ch 6: The Stain

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Winnie flops down on the couch and sighs.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"Sam, this whole thing is fucked up." Winnie rubs her temples.

"Well once this is all over, I'll leave you and Buck alone."

"No reason to. He hates me."


" At Sharon's place. I confronted him and he brushed me off. I mean it was stupid to think that."

"Wait, you think Buck hates you because he wouldn't open up to you."

"Exactly, we've talked about stuff before."

"Stuff like feelings?"

"No. I'm pretty sure we're just going to stuff those down and then one day, we die."

"That's not healthy."

"Did you imagine us to have a healthy way of coping with our shit?"

"No, but once everything is over, try therapy."

"I'd screw it up."

"There's nothing to screw up."

"I'd screw up the therapist. There's a lot, Sam, none of it is great."

Zemo walks out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and Bucky walks through the front door.

"Well the Wakandans are here. They want Zemo. Bought us some more time."

"Were you followed?"


"How can you be so sure?"

Winnie sits up from the couch.

"Because I know when I'm being followed."

"It was sweet of you to defend me at least."

"Hey, you shut it. No one's defending you.You killed Nagel"

"Don't put too much stock in it." Winnie warns. "You mean to an end."

"You'd be bored without me." Zemo says to Winnie then adds " Do we really have to litigate what may or may not have happened."

"There's nothing to litigate. You straight shot a man."

"Point blank." Winnie adds.



"Karli bombed a GRC supply depot."

"What? What's the damage?"

"Eleven injured, three dead. They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met."

"She's getting worse."

"Take it from the man that bombed the UN to know what worse is." Winnie muses.

"I accept the assistance but I can handle these two." Zemo pours himself a cup of tea. "I have the will to complete this mission. Do the three of you?"

"She's just a kid."

"You're seeing something in her that isn't there. You're clouded by it."

"Sam, she is a kid, but she's making some adult moves." Winnie adds. "But she has done more for the displaced than the GRC ever did."

"She's a supremacist. The very concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It's that warped association that led to Nazis, to Ultron, to the Avengers."

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