I Explain Kronos' Backstory

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I dressed and went out, willing my bracelet to transform into a ring. Oh, this time, I'm going to have fun. I'm not going to let Luke go over to the bad side, instead, I'm going to host Kronos myself. But, maybe, why share power with Kronos, who'll only try and make things worse for you? I may be able to suppress him with sheer willpower, but why take chances? No, I would have to get some people on my side, and I won't let Kronos gain power.

Wait - that kid, who was he - Matt Prowler? - he was a son of Hecate from Kronos' army, wasn't he? Maybe he would become Kronos' host. But first, I need to talk to Kronos.

What better way to do that than in a dream once I get to Camp?

All of these thoughts flashed through my head in a few milliseconds.

Grover was waiting for me outside.

"Hey, Grover! Let's get going!"

"Yes, let's get on with it!"

I noticed I had muscles. Oh, so this is going to be in the timeline I had already changed once, huh? Well, not that I mind - in fact, this is great!

I hopped onto the bus, and sat next to Grover, right in front of Nancy.

"Hey, Perce!" She sounded really cheerful.

"Hey, Nancy."

We talked continuously during the bus ride, not paying attention to the glares thrown our way by Mrs. Dodds. Actually, Grover noticed and was shaking in fear for a lot of the ride, but I didn't mind.

Once we reached the Museum, I began giving my own side lecture to my friends, when 'Mr. Brunner' wasn't. At the stele, I was telling them about why Kronos ate his children when 'Mr. Brunner's radar ears caught me.

"Well, Mr. Jackson, would you mind telling us what the engraving on this stele represents, since you seem to be a bit keen on sharing it?"

The entire class sniggered. Oh, laugh all you want now. I'll give you an amazing explanation that'll leave your mouths open and jaws hanging.

"I don't mind, sir. Then let me explain...

"This stele represents Kronos eating his children, sir. Kronos had killed Ouranos, the Primordial God of the Sky, his father, upon his mother, Gaia, the Primordial Goddess of the Earth, and Ouranos' wife. But with his last breaths, Ouranos cast a curse on Kronos that his on children would kill him the same way. Kronos tried restraining himself from any affairs or marriage, but in the end, his love for the Titaness Rhea overcame his caution, and he married her. But when they had their first kid, he remembered his father's curse, and to escape it, he swallowed the first child, the goddess Hestia, whole.

"This he repeated five times. Unable to cope with the loss, instead of giving Kronos their sixth child, she took a rock in the blankets. Kronos just swallowed it whole, not thinking for a second that the kind-hearted Rhea would trick him. Instead, Zeus was training elsewhere.

"When Zeus had grown strong enough, she sent him to Kronos' mansion in the guise of a Titan. He immediately gained the trust of all the Titans, Kronos included, whom he now served as his cup-bearer. Zeus then tricked Kronos into drinking a mixture of mustard and wine, causing the Titan King t barf up all his children, who, being immortal, had grown up unharmed and undigested in his stomach.

"Then, with all of his brothers' and sisters' help, Zeus led the war against the Titans, in which, after gaining powerful weapons from the Elder Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handed Ones and freeing them from Tartarus in return for their help in the war, the Titans were defeated and imprisoned, and Kronos was chopped up into pieces and scattered in the deepest depths of Tartarus, where he still plots for revenge."

Pin-drop silence.

That word did injustice to the silence that follows.

The silence itself seemed to have noise, a deep buzz that seemed to settle over the entire museum, and the exhibit itself.

Chiron - oops, I mean, Mr. Brunner - broke out of the reverie first. "That was the perfect explanation. Full credit for you, Mr. Jackson.

"Now, let's all go outside, where you can enjoy your lunch."

And... yet again, Mrs. Dodds seemed to have a problem with that. "Stay back, Mr. Jackson."

Mr. Brunner, Grover and Nancy sent me worried looks. I smiled at them and nodded at them to leave.

When they did, she snarled. "You have been giving us problems, honey."

I snorted. Yeah, right. "Are you sure about that, Mrs. Dodds? Or should I say, Alecto?"

She looked taken aback. "How did you figure it out? Well, at least this shows that you knew about this world beforehand."

I laughed. "That's where you're wrong, Fury. While I may know about this world, I knew nothing about it at Winter Solstice. I wasn't anywhere near Olympus at the time, nor do I know where the stolen items are. This I swear on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled outside, signifying that I wasn't lying.

"How do you know that the items are missing?" She demanded, obviously thinking she had the upper hand.

I smiled and said, "Well, that's thanks to the creator."

She just stood still there. I was not pleased. So, when Chiron came in and shouted, "What ho, Percy!" and tossed me Riptide and disappeared, he did not notice that Alecto had already been dissolved into monster dust.

So, I simply went back outside, called Grover and Nancy, and with them towing behind me, I went towards Chiron.

"So, do you mind explaining?" I asked him.

"Explaining what? By the way, thanks for returning my ball point pen. Bring your own writing utensil next time, Percy."

He tried to take it, but I snatched my hand back. "Not so fast, Chiron."

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