Chapter 4

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Gwyn's POV

Gwyn, Nesta and Emerie lay in Nesta's room, Nesta lounging on her bed with a book in her hands, Emerie making her hair in front on the mirror and Gwyn eating cherries on the sofa.

"What was up with Azriel today?" Gwyn asked, plopping a cherry into her mouth.

"He seemed the same as every other day to me." Emerie shrugged, styling her hair into a fancy braid. "And leave some of those cherries for me." She said, glaring at Gwyn's reflection in the mirror. Gwyn stuck her tongue out at her.

"He did seem more grim than usual." Nesta said, smiling.

Gwyn started laughing, her teeth stained red with the cherries. "Why are you smiling, Nesta?" She chortled, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Gwyn wasn't used to seeing Nesta so happy.

Nesta and Emerie burst out laughing as they looked at Gwyn's red teeth and Gwyn threw a cherry at each of their heads. 

But no matter how much she laughed and giggled, her mind couldn't get forget the empty look the shadowsinger had had on his face when he had walked out of the room. She had seen the pain flash across his face after she had smiled at his shadows and she felt guilty for some reason.

As the lingering smile faded from her face, Emerie spoke, "Nesta have you decide what you're gonna wear on your grand mating ceremony?"

Nesta's eyes widened. "I forgot." She said mournfully. "I'll have to attend it with one of my old gowns. Two days are not enough for buying the perfect gown."

"Nonsense," Gwyn said, standing up and putting three cherries in her mouth at once. "Two days are more than enough. Put that book down and get changed. Us ladies are going shopping!" 


"We're stuck in here." Gwyn groaned an hour later, as they waited in the dining room hoping one of the Illyrians would come back. Rhys and Cassian had gone to visit one of the Illyrian war camps, Feyre was in the town house and Azriel was not home.

"The first time I am willing to finally leave the house and face the outside world, we're stuck in here." Gwyn whined. Nesta laughed at her while Emerie lay on the couch with her feet on Gwyn's lap.

"I told you we're not gonna get that gown." Nesta said, smiling ruefully. "It's okay, though. I can borrow one from Mor."

Gwyn stood up suddenly, pushing Emerie's feet off of her lap. "Ow! What was that for?" Emerie grumbled, rubbing the soles of her feet.

"Do you guys hear that?" Gwyn murmured, straining her ears. 

"I don't hear anyth-" Nesta started to say but Gwyn interrupted her. "Shh! Listen." She whispered.

Emerie and Nesta glanced at each other and Emerie mouthed She's gone crazy. Gwyn whacked Emerie's arm, placing her finger on her lips as Nesta opened her mouth. Then they both dropped onto the couch and Nesta waved her hand dramatically. "Go check it out, if you will."

Gwyn glared back at them and treaded slowly into the corridor. That was when she heard it. Someone was singing.

Heart racing, Gwyn started forward on cat feet, going down the hallway, the singing getting louder. It was a male voice, and whoever it was, he was good.

Gwyn crossed Cassian's room and there was only one room left that voice could be coming from. Sweat beading in her hands, Gwyn tiptoed forward, standing about a few feet away from his room so that he wouldn't sense her coming.

Azriel sang, his voice cracking again and again during the song. Gwyn's heart ached for the shadowsinger, who sang his heart out, his rough voice making the song so, so beautiful. Tears gleamed in Gwyn's eyes as she heard the lyrics. His voice was so beautiful. He had only sung a few lines when the singing stopped all of a sudden in between a verse and Gwyn's eyes widened. He had obviously sensed her. 

A Court of Darkness and MelodiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora