Chapter 15

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Gwyn's POV

Gwyn looked towards Azriel as he strode to check out the fog. Nesta and Cassian were making their vows and were so engrossed in each other that they didn't even notice Azriel leaving the stage.

She smiled slightly, happy for her friend, and glanced back at Azriel. She saw panic rise on his face and as the smoke surrounded his feet, Gwyn saw as he stumbled back and crashed into a chair. 

Eyes widening, Gwyn lifted her gown, meaning to run to him, when she heard a scream from the opposite side of the room. The whole hall went completely still for a moment, and the silence was only broken by the clinking of Gwyn's heels as she jumped off of the stage to go to Azriel. 

Heart pounding, she started running toward him, when the screaming began anew.

Immediately, she felt another soothing darkness surge from Rhys and fill the room. Everyone stilled for a minute as the tranquil darkness surrounded them, but then another female shriek pursued, and Gwyn blindly continued on her way to Azriel. 

The darkness in the room lifted then, and as Gwyn blinked her eyes against the harsh light, she saw that Rhys's darkness had not been able to eliminate the fog, for it had now reached the chairs at the back.

And the people that came in contact with the fog collapsed where they stood.

She couldn't help her gasp as she saw Azriel fall to his knees in the fog, and she quickened her pace. As she got closer, she could see the strain on his face, the pressure he was exerting as he tried to stand up.

He looked towards her and his eyes met hers through the haze. "Don't-" He gasped out as Gwyn got closer to the fog. She saw his mouth open again, but then his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed.

"Gwyn!" Emerie screamed from somewhere behind her, but before she knew what she was doing, she ran into the fog.

As soon as her body came into contact with the dense mist, Gwyn began to see black spots and her movements became sluggish. She fell down to her knees next to Azriel as she reached him, her head so, so heavy.

"Azriel." She coughed violently, eyes tearing up, and she lifted her leaden hand and put it on his arm. She tried shaking him, noticing his labored breathing. 

She moved her hand to his face slowly as she tried to wake him up. "Az-" She tried again, before a violent coughing fit overtook her and she felt her back hit the floor.

She turned towards him, grunting in pain and struggling to keep conscious, when she saw that his beautiful bronze eyes had opened and were looking at her.

Hand still on his cheek, her eyes fluttered close involuntarily. She felt her heartbeat slow, and somewhere through the haze she heard Cassian roaring Azriels name.

Her slack body lay there next to Azriels, and she felt unconsciousness pulling at her.

Before she let the herself go under, she heard someone screaming her name. 

But she couldn't bring herself to care.

Maybe she'd get to see Catrin again.

Is this how I die? She thought to herself, and tried to open her slow-moving eyes. 

But her eyes didn't oblige her, and she let them be.


A hand reached out to Gwyn, and her fingers wrapped around it desperately as she finally got in a clean breath of fresh air. Her eyes flew open and she gasped out, "Azriel." As she gulped in the clean air, she noticed the black sky, the stars twinkling out at her as if they held a secret of their own.

She sat up quickly, looking around, breathing heavily.

Where was Azriel?

Gwyn looked around, noticing the endless black expanse that stretched out before her.

Something was wrong.

"I know you miss me, but this is taking it a little too far." A voice said behind her. Gwyn looked over, taking in the curly red hair, the all too familiar smile, the identical teal eyes.


It was Catrin.

An involuntary sob escaped from Gwyn as she saw her sister, and she threw her arms around her. 

Then she froze.

"Catrin... Catrin am I dead?" Gwyn whispered, scared for the truth.

"Not yet, little sister, not yet." Catrin whispered back to her, holding on tightly. 

Gwyn exhaled in relief, overwhelmed. She didn't know when her opinion had changed, but she actually wanted to live her life.

She squeezed Catrin harder, wiping her tears and moving backwards to look at her face.

But before Gwyn could say anything, Catrin's eyes widened. 

"We don't have much time. All you should know is that you need to survive this, Gwyn. I want you to know I'm proud of you."

Another helpless sob escaped from Gwyn's mouth. She noticed the clear night begin to turn hazy and she clutched onto Catrin's sleeves. 

"Activate the genes, Gwyn. Activate the genes." She murmured in a rush. "I love you Gwyneth Berdara. I'll see you soon enough." 

"I love you, Catrin." And before she could say anything else, a dark haze settled over the land and Catrin just disappeared from where Gwyn held her in her arms.

"Catrin!" Gwyn screamed, in so much pain. 

"It's time to go little sister." A voice echoed from everywhere at once, and before Gwyn got a chance to scream again, she inhaled the dark mist, which suffocated her and sent her to a dark sleep.


Gwyn's eyes flew open to see Azriel's face still in front of her, his eyes closed. His face was barely visible through the dark fog that had gotten so dense that it was hard to see. 

She held her breath, straining her face as she tried so, so hard to activate her genes, not thinking about Catrin. They both had never known their real parents and had sworn not to talk about the incidents that they both had been experiencing because of this gene they had inherited.

Gwyn scrunched up her face, trying to sit up but failing as the dark magic in the mist pushed at her body and lungs.

She turned towards Azriel slowly and noticed how his chest wasn't moving anymore. She could hear his very slow heartbeat through her muddled ears and she panicked. 

And as she made herself focus on Azriel's face, and Catrin's voice whispered in her ears, Gwyn exploded.

Her body flew up into a sitting position and a bright, golden light shot out of her, making her scream in pain.

She fell down on the floor again as the blazing light faded from her skin, her body shrieking in agony. 

Through her pain, she noticed the gold light eating at the fog and Azriel's eyes fluttering as he was finally able to breathe.

 However, as she began to reach out to him, the pain in her body became so intense that she blacked out.

Word Count: 1249

Guysss!! 10K views?! Oh my god ok I need to breathe-

Thank you so much! All of youu!! The comments and the positive feedback mean the world to me. 💖💖 This is unbelievable.

Secondly, I'd like to mention how I haven't been getting any time to write these days ugh. I know I haven't uploaded in a few days and I'll try to write more! Anyone know where the "I know you miss me, but this is taking it a little too far." reference is from?

Thank you guys for reading! Stay safe out there. Don't forget to vote and comment!


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