Chapter 19

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Gwyn's POV

Azriel was a brutal trainer.

No matter how much she enjoyed being in his company and training with him, it really left her breathless sometimes.

That was all Gwyn could think about as she lay on her bed in her room in the Library, feeling as if her head was about to explode.

She shut the book she was reading with a loud thud and threw it beside her, massaging her head with her forefinger and thumb.

Azriel had literally told her all the rules and basics of spying and she had literally heard him say, "Got it?", when she had realized that she had zoned out and her focus had been on his velvety voice rather than on the words he was saying. She had asked him to repeat everything he had said and he had given a very short complicated summary, to which she had actually focused though she could barely remember any of the information now.

Then before he could physically teach her, the other priestesses had arrived, and they had sparred against each other instead.

And Azriel had won against her.. again.

He knew all of her Valkyrie tricks and was always able to defend against her new ones. 

Now she got up from her bed, grumbling, putting her fuzzy slippers on. The day had gone by rather quickly with the nap she had after training and the pending work she had completed.

Now she was to meet Azriel again, and they were to look for some books and find information on the old death lord Koschei. 

Not wanting to be late to meet him again, she put her priestesses' robe over her pyjamas, not bothering to change, her hand instinctively going to her neck to hold her necklace for assurance, when she realized, eyes widening.

She flew out her room, down the stairs and to the library doors, where Azriel had said he'd meet her exactly seven. As she ran towards the entrance, the library clock chimed seven and Azriel appeared at the library doors in a puff of smoke, his shadows swirling around him, perfectly on time.

He raised his eyebrows in question when he saw her racing towards him. 

"My necklace!" She blurted as soon as she reached him, slightly breathless.

Azriel just gave her a quizzical look to which she glowered, opening her mouth to speak when she noticed how Clotho and the other priestesses were beginning to stare at them and so, grabbing Azriel's wrist, she pulled him outside the library doors.

"Remember the necklace you were ogling at the other day?!" She asked, ignoring the satisfaction she felt at the slight pink that flushed across his cheeks. "Well its missing! I wore it to the ceremony and I don't know where it went after that!"

"So what do I do?" Azriel asked, and she threw him a dirty look.

"Find it for me O' Spymaster." Gwyn said mockingly, making him wince. "Look we have a lot of work to do right now-" 

"No!" She interrupted, staring at him, noticing the shadows swirling around him madly, a crazy, wicked idea coming to her head.

"Shadow!" She whispered to herself, feeling slightly embarrassed as she realized what she was doing. Ignoring the slight grin that was forming on Azriel's lips, she muttered, "Come here." 

Azriel chuckled at her, shaking his head, "That's not how it works-" he started, his eyes laughing at her, when one of his shadows darted out from behind him and curled around her ear.

Gwyn's eyes widened, and she continued, "Find my necklace please," this time a little more louder, more confident, and she looked at the shadow that darted away almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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