Chapter 11

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Gwyn's POV

Gwyn opened her eyes, yawning and stretching, the couch uncomfortable and hard beneath her body.

The couch.

Last night's memories came crashing into her mind and she sat up with a jolt, covering herself with the blanket.

The blanket that smelled like night-chilled mist and cedar.

She looked around the room and saw Azriel sitting on a chair, his neck bent backwards in an awkward angle, and his lips parted slightly as he dozed. Gwyn knew she should feel embarrassed for how she had reacted yesterday but she found herself repressing a giggle at the spymaster's face.

But then that repressed giggle adorned her face in a small smile as she realized that this was most probably the first time he was sleeping in days.

And even though she remembered her nightmare with vivid clarity, and though the thought of her dead sister made the small smile disappear from her face, it didn't make her feel despairingly hopeless like every time before.

Just then she realized that she was still staring at Azriel's beautiful face, at the perfect arch of his eyebrows, his straight nose and high cheekbones. When her eyes found their way to his parted full lips, she immediately looked up again, feeling blood rush in her cheeks.

She had kissed his hand yesterday.

In all the days of her not-so miserable existence, Gwyn had never before been grateful for the presence of a man, and even more so, had never wanted to be even close to one. But Azriel, Azriel was slowly changing that, and as she admitted that to herself, her hands started sweating and her heart changed its rhythm.

Just then she noticed Azriel's shadows swirling around him madly and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. His shadows must have informed him of that action, for a second later Azriel spoke, eyes still closed. "You're staring."

Gwyn, though had suspected he was awake, yelped at the sound of his voice, and her eyes widened in mortification as she realized he had probably known she was staring at him and had been since the past five minutes.

Azriel opened his eyes then, squinting at her through the bright light that was in the room. She felt her cheeks flame and she muttered, "I wasn't staring."

Azriel gave her a small smile, eyes half closed, still leaning against the back of the chair in that seemingly cramping position. His wings lay draped on his sides, one hand on the arm of the chair, the other stretched out over his thighs.

"Still staring." He said, and she looked away with instantly, earning a husky chuckle from the shadowsinger. 

Her face warmed and she met his eyes, surprised that he had laughed. Her shock seemed to be reflected in his own face but he gave her another half a smile before closing his eyes again. She was tempted to lie down again as well, but she really didn't want to explain to Nesta why she and Azriel were sleeping in the same room.

The thought brought on another idea to her mind thanks to the books she had been reading recently, and she flushed, her cheeks reddening even more.

She got up, eyes averted from his face, wrapped the blanket around herself like a cloak, and started to make her way to the library before she remembered what day it was. Her eyes widened and she turned around suddenly, to find Azriel staring at her.

"The mating ceremony's t-today!" She blurted, stuttering slightly when she realized Azriel's eyes were on her.

His eyebrows raised, and she blushed again, turning her face down embarrassedly. Just then, a shadow started swirling around her and she smiled lightly. She looked up from the ground and saw a hint of pink on Azriel's face, his eyebrows scrunched together as he, very obviously, tried to pull the shadow back.

Her smile turned into a cheeky grin when it wafted across her arm and settled in her hair instead of going back to Azriel and the other shadows that surrounded him now. It was like a being of its own, and as a grunt slipped out of Azriel's mouth in his focus, Gwyn let out her repressed laugh.

Without waiting to see his reaction, she turned around again and started walking towards the library, her heart beating faster than it had been before. She glanced back one last time before she turned the corner and saw Azriel looking at her intently. She was grateful for the wall that had come between them then, for she didn't want him to see the soft smile that had found its way to her face.

She entered the library, opening the big doors and wincing at the loud creak. The other priestesses would most probably be awake by now, and though she had spent plenty of nights outside the library with the girls, her flushed face may raise unwanted suspicions. So, she did not meet Clotho's eyes when she entered and hurriedly rushed to her room without stopping to greet anyone on the way.

As she reached her room, she shut the door behind her and walked to stand in front of her full length mirror, looking at herself. Her cheeks were pink, her tank top was way too showy, and her red hair was a mess.

She collapsed on her bed, last night seeming like more of a dream than the one she had actually had.

Had she really kissed his hand?!

It may not mean much to anyone else but her heart started pounding at the memory of Azriel's rough, scarred hand against her smooth lips. 

She groaned, rolling over and checking the time. It was 6am right now, and since it was a Friday, she had service today. She had to go to the hall around seven and was scheduled to sing half an hour after that.

Hoping she could get another hour of sleep, she closed her eyes again, the memory of Azriel's strong arms around her somehow sending her into a deep slumber instead of making her restless like it had before.

Word Count: 1115

Guys guys guys the story's coming along I FINALLY made an outline for the plot before I was just winging it lmao. I'm going to try to bring in the plot as well after a few chapters and 'm soo excittedd!! 

This was a cute chapter! Azriel laughed eeee!! It was a short laugh but it was genuine and that's all that matters to me lol. Ik my chapters have been a lil short lately, but I did post an extra one this week soo.. that's fair I guess?!

Anyways thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!


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