I Never Tap Out // Cryde

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"Craig, its 11:30, what are you still doing in bed, man?"

 Clyde called out to the motionless pile of blankets in his bed, where Craig had burrowed himself somewhere inside. After earning no response, Clyde smacked on his teeth and walked over to the bed, kicking off his sneakers and jumping on top of the soft comforter the ravenette was under, finally getting some movement. He shook his body against Craig's, and the older soon let out an irritated sigh and roused from the blanket with a tired expression. He was blinded by sunlight, then Clyde's eager smile within seconds of his eyes adjusting. "I thought you had conditioning?" He spoke just above a mutter while turning his back to Clyde and closing his eyes again, trying to give himself a moment to wake. "Uh, yeah I went. I woke you up to tell you I was leaving earlier."

"What? What time?" Craig reached for his phone to check the time as Clyde made himself comfortable behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pushing his face into the center of his back, taking a deep breath before replying into his spine. "6:30, you looked at me then turned over." There is a second of silence as the two laid there, before Craig grimaced at an odd feeling on the back of his shirt. "Clyde, are you wet? Why are you wet?" "It's sweat." Clyde laughed out loud as Craig squirmed around in his hold now, trying desperately to get away from the brunette. "Gross, get off and go take a shower."

"You know what you gotta give me first." Clyde responded, his arms still tightly rapped around Craig, preventing his dire attempts to escape. "Okay fine, just let me turn-" Clyde's sudden movement disrupted the older boy's complaint, instead provoking the younger to sit up and lean over to connect their lips softly, Craig's hand reaching up as if to push him away, only to give in and rest on Clyde's cheek. The couple parted after a moment or two, leaving Craig speechless in the moment. Not that the kiss wasn't familiar, only because even after a year of dating Clyde, he still got butterflies when he was that close. The sweet gestures and soft compliments were still enough to sweep him off of whatever surface he stood on. Clyde gave him a cocky grin, causing Craig's lovestuck expression to fade in the best way possible of course, instead he rolled his eyes and attempted to shove him off the bed. "Okay now go shower, stinky."

Clyde acted as if he were offended, "Okay one, I do not stink, watch smell me and tell me I stink-" As the brunette stepped closer to Craig again, the boy's eyes shot open and he immediately moved to escape, this time skipping past Clyde's arms towards the bedroom door. "No, no, no- Donny-" Craig was no longer standing on his feet, instead he was above the floor, his body being lifted from behind back onto the bed. The two tussled for good bit, until they were out of breath, their panting hitting each other's faces. Craig's hands were pressed into Clyde's chest as he pushed as hard as he could to keep a good space between himself and the now even sweatier football player above him. Clyde smirked and took the ravenette's wrists, pinning both of them on either side of his head, leaning down until they were face to face and Craig's inevitable defeat was bound to be admitted. "You tap out?" Clyde whispered to the other, in which Craig gave struggling another try, yet his wrists never left the mattress under him, hardly ever moving at all. "I never tap out, you know that."

"Yeah?" Clyde asked in a teasing manner, yet there was no damage to Craig's pride by now. 

"Yeah.." Clyde's grin widened, smothered in mischief and a taunting sarcasm. This was contagious for Craig, causing him to smile wide enough to provoke another kiss from the male on top of him. As much as he tried to deny it, he undeniably loved Clyde. Too much to genuinely be concerned about a little bit of sweat. "You know, out of all the liquids I've managed to 'spill' on you, you sure seem uptight about a little bit of salt water." Maybe not too much to let things Clyde says sometimes worry him. Or make him cringe at least. "Please don't say that in public."

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