Unforgettable // Style

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Its around 7 PM and I feel like shit, my dad has bored me with his constant talk of marijuana and how its just so great for your well-being. Newsflash, I'm all for the Pothead life until its my dad talking. Annoying. I ignore his drunken rambling next to me and use the remote to turn the volume to the TV louder. Red Racer was playing reruns and Terrance and Philip were on next, I wasn't trying to miss out on it because my dad won't shut up. However of course, he only attempts to speak over the television, provoking a scowl from me. I shoot him a glare in my peripheral and open my mouth to say something but.. a vibration in my pocket interrupts the task at hand. It wasn't a regular vibration, it was a double go. Two short vibrations set only for a certain contact. A certain someone with curly red hair, and freckles, and emerald eyes. I take my phone out once I'm able to stop fawning over an image I can't even see yet and read the text sent to me.

Wanna hang?

Now usually, I would've taken my time to respond so I didn't seem as desperate to see Kyle as I was but the opportunity to use my dad's rambling as an excuse hit me so quick.

Yes please, my dad won't shut up. I'm otw.

Good one, Stan. That was great. He hit me back with a 'Great!' and I stood up from the couch and walked over to the front door, bringing my phone with me. I put on my jacket while leaving my dad to talk his usual nonsense, opening the door and stepping out into the fall weather. It was a little while before Thanksgiving so snow doesn't always make an appearance but you'd be crazy to go out without at least a sweater. I head for the sidewalk and begin the route I've taken for years now. Even though Kyle was always unaware, I'd always walk through blizzards even, just to get to him. When he did know, it was because I showed up unannounced and covered in snow.

I approach the doorstep to his house and I can already smell pine and cranberry scents. Those seasonal kind of fragrances everyone buys around this time. Still, his house always smells better. That sounded weird. Wow how about we knock instead of zoning out like this, Stan? I raised my fist and tapped my knuckles against the door, and theres a pause before Kyle answer, I notice during this that the car isn't in the driveway. His parents must be gone. Kyle smiles when he opens the door, its not like the occasional grin he gives others or when something pleases him, it was a full smile. I'm surprised at first when he throws his arms around my neck and hugs me but I soon catch on that complaining was counterproductive on my part. In the least weird way possible, I liked when he touched me.. maybe in a weird way, I don't know.

I wrap my arms around his waist and reply with a curt exhale in the form of a brief chuckle. A smile is on my face before I can even think twice. He pulls back yet he's still close to my face, I don't question it as soon as he starts speaking from those pretty pink lips— they just look so cute yet deli-

"Did you miss me? Anyway, since my family's out I was thinking.. movie marathon? Help you get your mind off of things." He spoke and glanced up at me, doing that thing, biting his bottom lip and smiling, when he's eager for an answer, eager for a yes. I'm quick to nod because any time I spend with Kyle means a lot to me. Still I feel an unknown urge around him, like the kind I got with Wendy in middle school, I don't even know if its the same. It just gets my heart beating all fast and I just want to get as close as possible to him.

Kyle chuckles victoriously as if it were a task for me to accept his offer and dropped his arms from my neck to grab a hold of my hand. I feel a warmth in my face as he leads me in, I close the door for him out of courtesy— and it would be a bit weird to leave it open anyway. I notice when I come in that the lights were already off and the TV was on, it was clear Kyle had been binging Grey's Anatomy before I got here. He sits back in his spot on the couch and of course leaves the Grey's Anatomy selection to go to the movies. I take off my jacket and sit with him, spotting his comforter and immediately getting under it and getting comfortable on his sofa. "Uh-uh, share." Kyle mumbles and pulls the blankets back for a brief moment to lean back against my chest and get under the blankets with me. This was a nice feeling I wasn't new to, yet I loved every time it happened.

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