Mountains // Stenny

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"Kenny, this is so stupid, it'll be dark out soon. How much further do we have to walk, dude?" Stan sighed, brushing his way past branches and such, Kenny was fixed on clearing a path. Despite the chilly breeze passing through, Kenny had his parka tied around his waist. The two walked in silence for a moment before Stan got annoyed, scoffing from Kenny's lack of response. He glanced back from where they came, they were getting further and further from civilization. "Kenny- are you listening-" His complaints were cut short when he collided with the blonde boy's back. He glanced over at him and raised a brow, looking over his shoulder to see what he was so indulged in. "Woah.." Kenny glanced to Stan, their eyes meeting. Stan immediately glanced away after a second, his ears burning a slight pink. Kenny looked ahead and walked forward into the flower field, Stan noticed and quickly followed again. "Kenny! You can't just.. leave me.. out here." Stan stopped in the middle of the field and looked around him. The sun was setting, and the sky looked as if they were living in a painting. He faced the sun, his breath taken away immediately. The brunette admired the glowing sky, a breeze rushing towards him only to caress both him and the flowers gently, the wind like kisses on his cheeks.

He was so entranced in the sight he didn't notice Kenny approaching from behind. Kenny wrapped his arms around the male's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder, looking at the sight with him. "Every since we graduated, you've always been so worried.." the blonde glanced to Stan who was fixated on the sky. "So I wanted to bring you to my spot.. this is just the beginning."

Stan let those words sink in before turning to face Kenny, the sunlight made the blonde's skin and hair glow, he could count every freckle he saw, and his ocean blue eyes reflected the ocean. Kenny gave him a kind, easy going smile.

The brunette wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight. Kenny raised a brow before chuckling and holding Stan gently, closing his eyes, the two bathing in the warmth of the embrace. "Thank you, Kenny.. I won't complain anymore." Stan stated apologetically and pulled away. By now, the sun was still going down and the stars were starting to emerge. The two looked up and talked amongst each other for a little while. Kenny pointed out a constellation, making a naughty comment about the formation. The two laughed together and bantered before continuing to walk past the field. "I have one more thing to show you, if thats okay? We can go back if you wanna." Stan shook his head with a smile, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets and walking alongside Kenny.

"No, I want to see it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I like this."

Kenny seemed to appreciate that, giving him a nod and leading them towards the mountains. No snow was there yet, thankfully. It was more like cliffs anyway. The two did quite a bit of climbing and chatting before making their way through more wood-paths. "How do you not get lost here?" The taller blonde shrugged and swatted a branch out of the way. "Its just like how you start to know your way around in a city the more you go out."

Something immediately caught Stan's attention and he tugged in Kenny's arm, tapping him excitedly. "Kenny, look, look!" Kenny blinked and looked in the direction Stan happened to be pointing. Soft glowing came from out of a bush, they appeared to be soft embers at first glance until Kenny looked closer. They were fireflies dancing around them. Stan laughed with joy and went up to catch one in his hands gently, cupping the insect in his hands and walking back over to Kenny carefully. Kenny stood close in front of him and waited, the brunette slowly opening his hands as soon as the insect calmed down. The firefly stayed idle, enough for them to admire it. "I wonder how they do that.." Stan thought out loud. "Do what?" "Glow.. all pretty and stuff. The science behind it.."

There is a pause before the blonde boy responded just above a whisper, looking up at Stan's face. "Same way you do.." Stan was confused at first before his expression displayed his realization. He slowly met the other male's gaze, the firefly radiating a brighter light and giving their faces a warm glow yet again. The two stared at one another before leaning in slightly, only for the firefly to fly up and land on Kenny's nose, making him go crosseyed. Stan chuckled and backed away some, watching more fireflies drift over and land in Kenny's hair, making him a tad confused. The brunette really got a kick out of this, taking out his phone and snapping a few pictures, Kenny smiling subtly for them. "Alright, shows over, this feels weird." Kenny gently swatted the insects away back to their bush and elsewhere. Stan had gone quiet, staring at his phone screen, more specifically the pictures of Kenny. Kenny was about to continue walking before he stopped and looked back at Stan. "You comin'?" "Huh-? Oh, yeah- yeah- I'm coming."

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