Well, hello again!

28 1 0

March 25

Ginshi, hi!

I am so happy that you wrote back! I felt kind of silly spilling my heart like that after all this time, but I just felt you should know that you were and had been on my mind.

Thank you for your forgiveness too. That means a lot.

If nothing else, just being at peace with the past is enough for me. But...if you wanted to move forward someday...when you have established yourself as a successful investigator, maybe we can try again?

That's probably just wishful thinking on my part, but I meant every word I said.

That was pretty cool about your new teammates! That Urie guy needs to take a chill pill, right?

Your mentor sounds really cool too! Maybe someday you'll be mentoring, yourself!

Thank you for updating me on Haru. I will start writing to her too. It might be nice for her to have some letters and cards to wake up to when she gets better.

Well, I'm off to visit some friends all the way in the 20th ward. I kind of like it over there. The last time I was there, I found the sweetest little coffee shop.

Maybe someday we can go there together?

Well, we have plenty of time to figure that out!

Be safe out there!


Letters To ~ Ginshi Shirazu (Tokyo Ghoul: re)Where stories live. Discover now