Until We Meet Again...

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May 30 

Oh, Ginshi I don't know what to say...

I'm absolutely heartbroken.

Hopefully you know, wherever you are now,that I will always love you. This world is just so much colder and darker without you.

I'm forever thankful that we at least reconnected and made peace before you were taken from us.

Thank you for your forgiveness and for giving me hope. Thank you for all you did to keep our city safe.

Just, thank you for being you.

I'll keep on being available to Haru, once she's healed. She will always be able to count on me. It's the least I can do for you.

I'm so thankful to Urie for vowing to give you a proper resting place. I'm glad you two became good friends after all. Maybe someday I'll meet him...

Ginshi, you will forever be the one who got away. I will let this be the ultimate lesson that if you love someone, you should tell them. Even if the time isn't right.

Always tell them...

Maybe in another life we will meet again.

Until then, you will always be my goofy, sweet, tall, motorcycle riding, orange haired boy.

You went to the CCG a misfit from the 1st ward, but you left us as a hero with a heart of gold.

Rest in peace, my love. Until we meet again.


Letters To ~ Ginshi Shirazu (Tokyo Ghoul: re)Where stories live. Discover now