First Day

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The sun had barely even risen before our little multi-quirked hero wannabe sprang up at her alarm before slamming it off. Filling the room with silence beside the chirping of birds outside. What gets her attention however is the smell of the plant based sausages packed with protein wafting through her room. Bolting out of bed, she rushes to the kitchen to her dad standing on the specially made platform for the tall counters. A little apron covers the his tiny work suite for his job as the school's principal. Grinning his seemingly forever grin as his eyes look over to see the multiarmed Izuku bolting and sliding into the room for breakfast.

"Ah! Good Morning Little Mouse! I knew this would get you out of bed for your first day. Did you manage to get that little project done before school started?" the white bare-mouse turns back to the frying pan to flip the sausage.

Grinning at her dad, Izuku reaches up to stretch and loosen her muscles for the morning ahead of her. In a sleepy but cheery voice she answers him. "Ah! I did! I got everything posted along the walls to show the first years where to go. Seeing as you 'forgot' to leave the map of the school out that shows how to get their classes".

The small rodent grins even wider if that was even possible as he laughs. "Well I'm sorry doing such a thing like that would be utterly amusing to see them run around like headless chickens!"

Groaning a bit at her father's antics, Izuku grabs a plate from a near by cabinet and piles up a sausage mc muffin. Only just noticing the pile of cooked eggs to the side. The rest of her home based morning goes off without a hitch.

Arriving at the school before any student should. Izuku sets about checking all the papers with words and arrows, leading students off to where their classes are. She made sure they were color coded so no one got lost.

Arriving in her classroom of 1A and looking up at the clock, she notices the clock reading nearly eight. Almost time for students to arrive, an idea comes to mind. Moving to the white board she writes down a list of things that will be happening for the morning homeroom for that day. Hoping she knows her uncle Aizawa enough [which she probably does]. Things on the list include.

Short Free Time
Physical Exam
*List of probable exercises Note: Out of Order*
Looking Over Homeroom Expectations
Next Class

Looking at the things written on the board, she grins. Happy with her work, however the feeling is short lived as the door to 1A slides open to reveal a tall blue haired boy with an immaculately perfected school uniform. The Boy known as Iida smiles at the unexpected student in the room.

"Ah! N- I mean Izuku-san! It is a surprise and a pleasure to find you here so early!" walking up to her his smile becomes ever parent. One of his arms making a chopping motion as he speaks.

Grinning back and setting the marker down she looks up at him "It is a pleasure to see you too Iida-san! Although I do arrive here at basically the crack of dawn".

He nods and looks to the small piece of paper showing where his seats would be in each class. "That's understadable, knowing about your parent and all. Though I am assuming you wrote that all down on the board to help students prepare or did our teacher write that down?"

She chuckles softly "Hah! Nope, I love Uncle Zawa. But he is not an anytime person, preferring to sleep in his sleeping bag all day" noticing his card she goes over to her own seat to help him locate his own. "Other students should be arriving soon and we don't want to make a bad example for them by standing around yeah?"

Appearing a little startled, Iida speed walks to his own chair chopping his arm along the way "Yes, yes! You are right! It would be terrible to set a bad example! Especially on the first day!"

Izuku: Principal's KidWhere stories live. Discover now