New People and a friend? (Partly Rewritten)

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 {3rd POV}

   Izuku really isn't fond of early mornings as her alarm blares from her bed side.  Shutting it off, she rolls to the side to fall off the bed, hitting the ground with a thump. "I really don't wanna be up". Her door is thrown open by Nezu "GOOD MORNING MY L-!!" he looks to the floor and starts snickering at her misfortune. "Good Morning my Little Mouse, I see you're still not used to mornings. Well get ready, I'll be cooking breakfast. Some of that vegie bacon you like". That get's Izuku to smile as she sits up, rubbing her eyes with a big yawn "Hehe! I'll see you in a little bit Mouse". Izuku just hums in response.

   After going through the morning routine that she's been working on though the week. Now with the school uniform on, and bag with her. She goes to the front room, to find vegie bacon, and scrabbled eggs with a bento box prepared for lunch. "So Izuku, the school I've enrolled you in is the closest and best rated one I could find to UA. Now I know it will be hard to talk to others your age, considering that you've been talking to adults for you whole life up to this point, well. The students don't count;  but my point is that you should behave, and remember. A hero sticks their nose in business that is not their own". Izuku just smiles sleepily and nods, earning a chuckle from Nezu.

      Arriving at the elementary school, Izuku gives her pa a big hug. "I'm going to miss you pa. But remember to drink your special tea when you start feeling stressed, especially when you get the chance to take a break". Nezu laughs lightly at his child's worriedness when in fact he should be worrying about her. "I will my dear, and don't be afraid to ask for something if you're having trouble; I know how you get". The pair chuckle at each other before hugging once again and then separating.

After a short tour of the school, she is lead to her class with the homeroom teacher named 'Dave Morress' being a foreigner, the man is taller than most adults. "Attention Class!" the room quiets down to soft whispers. "We have a new student today! She's been homeschooled till now, so don't crowd her and make her feel comfortable please! ... come on in and tell us a little about yourself!" Izuku being the shy little mouse she is; she sticks her head into the room to look at everyone before she slowly enters the room to stand next to teacher.

   "H-Hello everyone. My name is Izuku Nezu, I like to study new things, read, problem solve, and s-study quirks-" she pauses for a few moment's before speaking again. "M-My quirk is called 'Clone: it allows for me to spew out a white smoke that can them form together to make clones of m-myself' ". The other students seem lightly impressed by the quirk, but nothing spectacular.

    Mr.Morress smiles softly "Alright Nezu-san, could you go over there and sit next to Mezo Shoji?" he gestures to Shoji and Izuku nods before walking over to the white haired multi-armed boy, sitting in the desk next to him near the back. Murmurs can be heard around the room about the spot that was chosen for the new student. She ignores the kids as the class resumes with homeroom basic stuff that Izuku just happened to already know, so she pulls out a notebook to start doodling. 

      Lunch eventually comes around and the kids rush to get their boxes while Izuku stays at her desk, finishing her drawing of one of the newer heroes. Backdraft. Finally finishing it Izuku goes to get her bento box and to the lunch room. The loud noises make her flinch but tries to tune it out and find a table to sit at, noticing most of them full she manages to find a table that is mostly empty, with only a few individuals. Shoji and a boy with a bird head. 

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