Exposing ones self

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{ Izuku's POV}

  I've known Shoji-san and Tokoyami-san for two years, they have done nothing to indicate that they want something from me or know who my Pa is. I believe it is time to change that and tell them about my actual quirk and my Pa. It's lunch time right now, and a perfect time to schedule a time for them to come over.

    "Mezo-kun, Fumikage-kun" they turn their attention to me, waiting for me to continue.  Sighing softly I take a moment to continue "I would like to invite the two of you to my house, and I have something important to tell the two of you that can not be put into the public, think of it like an important secret. When is a good time for you two?"

   Tokoyami seems to grab his chin for a moment to think about it while Shoji lifts one of his arms and forms a mouth on it. "I am open for tomorrow afternoon, though I will ask my parent's after school. Will we be doing any studying?" Tokoyami takes this chance to speak up "Yes, I am wondering that too, will we be doing any studying? I should be available then as well"

  Grinning happily I just nod. "Yeah, we can do studying as well, but um" a light flush comes to my cheeks. "Try not to freak out when you see where I live, people tend to be overwhelmed" the two just give me a strange look as I rub at my nape.


   The way Izuku reacted earlier still has me confused. 'Try not to freak out when you see where I live, people tend to be overwhelmed' . What could that mean? Is she rich? Maybe she lives in a strangely shaped house? No matter, she's one of the first people who has treated us like humans dispute our strange mutations, no matter these weeds aren't going to pull themselves'

   Mezo smiles softly as he works on pulling weeds from the garden his grandmother had planted when he was a kid. Full of a rainbow of different colors of different plants, this garden is one of the few things he still has of her.


    Turning to Dark Shadow Tokoyami couldn't help but sigh as his thoughts begin to drift from the book he had picked for a silly book report, the book called 'The Secret of Zoom' (Go read it. It's good :3). "Hey Keiko?" the shadow looks up from his copy of the book, seeing as two minds working on an assignment is better than one. "Yeah, what's up Fumikage?" Sighing softly he sets down his book "Do you have any guess as to why Izuku-san told us to try and not feel over whelmed by her home?" His quirk just shrugs before speaking in his lightly scratchy tinny voice. 

   "It is possible that she just has a very up to date home, like techy" humming softly and nodding, Fumikage turns back to his book to continue reading.


    The next day came quickly and the school day seemed to drag on forever as none of their classes matched up for all of them except Tokoyami and Shoji. Even still it seemed to drag on forever. 

    Finally ending, Izuku messaged them to meet at the gate and would be picked up from there.

   "So, Izuku, what is your home like?" Tokoyami couldn't keep his curiosity to himself anymore. Grinning excitedly she turns to look at the pair "Oh! I live on an a big flat with my Pa!" she suddenly becomes more bashful as she starts rubbing her nape again. "It's the property itself that people get overwhelmed at" at this both Shoji and Tokoyami become confused. Tokoyami was about to ask something more before a discreet black compact car pulls up and a window rolls down and someone yells out. "Problem Child! Come on! I have to cook dinner later and I still want a nap!"

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