Part 3

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The long waited part 3 is here!

---(y/n)'s P.O.V.---

I woke up to sunshine tickling my face, beautiful sight of San Angel in morning light opened before me, I could stay here forever but my aunt is probably worried sick about me. I got up slowly walking towards the bridge to San Angel, but I stopped upon hearing horse neigh. There was a black horse running towards me, it's rider hidden behind the horse neck and sombrero. Once he was enough near me he stopped.

"Excuse me, miss. Is this San Angel?"

Asked the rider his voice muffled by scarf that was wrapped around his mouth and neck. I nodded slowly.

"Yes, it is."

"Do you happen to know where I could find (y/n) Ramos?"

"That's me. Why?"

The rider took off his scarf and sombrero, relieving his black mustache that matched his raven black hair. I knew that face.

"Hola, sister."

--- Joaquin's P.O.V. ---

I groaned as soon as the sun hit my face, I turned in my bed trying to avoid the sun but noises from outside my window were loud enough to make it to my ears. I groaned again getting up from my bed. I went to bathroom and checked my eye, no blood that's good. I put on my casual clothing, had a breakfast and went outside.
I arrived to the square, it was awful busy today. I then noticed a black horse and man standing near it, people were standing near listening to his story. I shrugged my shoulders and went away, but I saw an angel sitting there too.
She was surrounded by children from orphanage, all of them listening to the story. I walked near them, standing behind the small children.

"I could feel the bull's rage piercing right through me, he was sure he wanted me to meet La Muerte but my sword said otherwise."

Said the man showing his sword, it looked like normal bullfighter's sword but it showed it was used not only for killing bulls. I looked down as I heard the children gasp chuckling at their response.

"The bull ran towards me, I held my sword high and at the last moment I moved out of the way. The bull crashed into the wall, which left him knocked out. And that's how I got this medal."

The crowd clapped. I faced a bull once too but that was when I had the medal of everlasting life. I shivered at the thought of Chacal. It was my fault he came into the town in the first place. I hung my head low remembering all what happened, a voice cut my thoughts off.


It was (y/n), she grabbed my hands into hers smiling at me.

"I would like you to meet my brother, Marcos."

She pointed to the man, who was telling his story, now near the black horse.

"That's your brother?"

"Yes. I would like you to meet him. Marcos come here!"

The man came near us, tipping his sombrero.

"What's the problema sister?"

"This is Joaquin my friend."

"Nice to meet you, señor. Hey, (y/n) I'll go for a ride around town."

(y/n) nodded quickly watching Marcos sat on his horse, before he left us (y/n) screamed at him.

"Meet me at the orphanage when you come back."

--- Meanwhile somewhere in the land of the remembered ---


The furious roar of La Muerte could be heard from her palace, why she was so angry? Guess what, Xibalba took the medal of everlasting life.
Xibalba appeared in the palace, smirking with his wings tugged behind his back. Then he noticed La Muerte's angry expression his smirk left his face.

"Oh, ehm! What is it, mi amor?"

"Where is the medal of everlasting life!?"

"Calm down, mi amor. I have it right here. See?"

Said Xibalba pulling the medal form behind his back. La Muerte took the medal still angry at Xibalba he took it without asking. She turned so her back were shown to Xibalba.

"Come on. What did I do wrong? Don't be angry at me, after all I gave you the medal back."

He said rubbing La Muerte's shoulders, she relaxed a bit from his touch but she pulled away.

"Oh, I have an idea! How about a wager to cheer you up? You always win and that makes you happy."

La Muerte hummed.

"Alright, but if you cheat again I'll never make a wager with you ever again."

Xibalba smiled.

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