Part 5

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--- (y/n)'s P.O.V. ---

I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for all the children when I heard horse neigh near by I looked outside the window to see coal black horse tied to a tree trying to break free and my brother sleeping with his back leaning against the tree. I chuckled seeing my brother get up with tired face tripping on his own feet hushing his horse down. I got back to making breakfast but yet again a horse neigh caught me off guard, this one was different. Now near the tree were two horses, one my brother's and the other one was white.

"Hola, hola! Is someone in here?"

I ran to the entrance hushing Joaquin down.

"Don't scream, children are still sleeping."

"Oh, sorry."

Said Joaquín almost whispering, he followed me into kitchen then noticed all the work I had done and work that is waiting to be done.

"Uh...need some help with that?"

"Sure you can help. You can take all this on the table."

Joaquin nodded taking all the plates I had prepared earlier.


It was already after breakfast and Joaquín took me along with my brother on a little trip. I hold tight onto my brother's shoulders scared I will fall down. Marcos challenged Joaguin into race around the town and Joaquin suprisingly won. I left them to their childish games and went back to the orphanage joining kids outside. As I sat outside watching over them I heard them play.

"Oh no! Chakal is here! What shall we do?!"

Screamed one of the boys running around acting to fill the role. Two girls then stepped out, they looked at each other angrily.

"Hey! I'm supossed to be Maria!"

"No! It's my turn! You're always Maria!"

I saw Joaquin and Marcos arrived, Joaquin quickly running towards the small crowd of children.

"Fear not señoritas, your hero is here to protect you from Chakal!"


All children stopped playing and ran to Joaquin welcoming him, they even knocked him down. I giggled running to help him, I shooed all children away helping Joaquin stand up, he hissed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Wha-! Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it."

I saw some blood on his cheek coming from underneath his eyepatch, I grabbed Joaquin by his shoulder pushing him to a bathroom. He tried to resist but I won.

"(y/n), it isn't that urgent."

"Yes, it is. Now take your jacket off and call me when you're ready."

--- Joaquin's P.O.V. ---

I watched (y/n) close the door to the bathroom she literally pushed me into. I looked into a mirror seeing blood all over my cheek, maybe it is urgent. I wanted to take my jacket off like (y/n) told me to do, but I paused. Am I really going to take only my jacket off? I mean if, I keep my shirt on it may also get dirty from the blood. I finally made my mind.

I looked into the mirror again, I was shirtless now and the blood was slowly reaching my chin then I rememered (y/n) was still waiting outside the door.

" may come in (y/n)."

I turned my gaze at the door, which opened with a creak. (y/n) stood there with a bowl in her hands, I guess it was filled with warm water, I also noticed her gaze, she was blushing. When she noticed my gaze she was pulled back to reality.

"S-sorry,...let's just begin."

We both sat down on the edge of the bathtub, our gazes rarely meeting. She took my eyepatch off and began to dry all the blood. She was gentle with her touch but it was the water which made me hiss from pain, she apologized every time, such an angel. When she was cleaning my cheek I grabbed her free arm gently squeezing it to get her attention, it worked so she looked at me.

"Thank you, (y/n)."

"It's nothing Joaquin."

She then got back to work, it didn't take her long. She then switched her gaze to my scars, she was afraid to say or do anything, I took her hand and placed on the biggest scar I had on my chest.

"It's okay mi ángel. These scars no longer hurt me, you can take a look."

She pulled her hand away, she was afraid and even by her look you could say that. (y/n) sighed taking the bowl of now reddish water and small towel into her hands.

"You can get dressed now and you can stay over for dinner."

She turned to look at me before she left giving me one of her sweetest smiles I've ever seen from her, I returned one too along with a nod and then she left.

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