10 Years Later

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10 years later...

Chaeyoung is eating in a restaurant with her... She's just sitting there with a short sleeved shirt on. flaunting her tattoos like she's not the hottest person in the world.

She leans in to give her a kiss... Mina starts crying while looking at the scene in front if her. 'that's how she would give me kisses from across the table.'

'she told me we were forever...but I messed it up. I fucked up once and that was all it took for Chaeyoung to leave me. leave me and our daughter Lilly. for what? for this girl. how can she just be so comfortable with this other woman so quickly?!'

Mina got closer to the scene because she was walking outside for some reason, "Chaeyoungah!!" 

Chaeyoung turned around nonchalantly, like she just saw a random person. 

"yes who are you?"

"who am I?! I'm your wife!, we got married in fucking Hawaii. we have a daughter! what are you doing with- who the fuck is this?" Mina was crying and the other girl now turned her head with a smirk on her face. 


"yes its me. I told you it wasn't over, she's mine. I told you she would be mine" Somi held onto Chaeyoung hand. 

"her? Cheayoung how could you! she almost broke us up. many times. she was-" She cut her off like nothing 

"Mina." Cheayoung put her hand out in front of Mina to make her stop talking. "you aren't in my life anymore.. go. you betray me. its all your fault. Leave." Chaeyoung said this with a plain face. this whole scene was plain and Mina couldn't understand.

"Cheayoung! you cant just move on like this. you- we have been together since high school and college! please Chaeyoung!" Mina got on her knees and held her hand. 

Chaeyoung stood up, letting herself go from Minas hold. pushing her to the floor. "I can never forgive you. I hate you. I love Somi now why can't you understand." 

Mina was crying on the floor. watching Chaeyoung walk away, hand in hand with Somi. "please Chaeyoung! Please!" 


"PLEASEE" Mina cried out loudly, waking the person next to her. She is panting in bed, trying to catch her breath. wiping her tears that were some how falling while she was sleeping. 

She woke up from this nightmare. 

"Mina baby are you okay?" Chaeyoung was right there next to her, wiping the beats of sweat from her forehead. 

She let out a sigh of relief seeing her wife by her side. She could remember every detail of that dream and was still crying outside of the dream. 

"why are you crying Minari? please tell me" Even after 10 years Chaeyoung was still making sure that Mina knew she was near and loved. 

"just a very horrible dream where you were with another woman!" Mina picked up a pillow and hit Cheayoung lightly. 

"ouchh, hey! it was just a dream Minaaa" she back hugged Mina and made her lay down. She was the big spoon which she appreciated even though she was smaller. "I'm here.. I'm yours okay? yours and Lilly's." 

Mina felt reassured but she couldn't get that very clear imagine out of her head. 'what could i have done to make Chaeyoung leave so fast?' Mina snuggled and held on tighter to her wifes hold. 

They were quiet for a moment but wide awake. Chaeyoung was still concerned for her wife. she had never had these type of dreams. Or nightmares. "you were sad in you dream?" 

She nodded "I remember crying, sobbing on my knees for you." Mina put her hand up and caressed Chaeyoungs face and hair. 

"that's interesting Mrs. Son" Chaeyoung kissed Mina neck softly. "you want me to reassure you that I'm really yours?" she whispered and kissed her earlobe softly too. 

Mina closed her eyes, so weak for Cheayoung even after so many years. 

"aren't we a little to old for this?" 

Chaeyoung chuckled "We will never be too old!, you have been perfect from the moment i laid eyes on you, plus we are not even 40 yet! I'll never get tired if this" she dove in, this time with more lust. Mina was also her ultimate weakness. no matter the time, place or how many years went by. 

She groped Mina while still in a spooning position. Minas breast got bigger some how with age. 'she just keeps getting better and better' this was a constant thought in Chaeyoung mind. 

then suddenly "MOMM" their daughter Lilly threw open the door demanding attention. 

They both froze in their position, both hungry but both forgetting for a minute they also had a daughter. 

Chaeyoung grunted but faced her daughters way with a fake smile. "baby why are you awake? go back to bed okay?" She loved her daughter but needed some alone time with her wife. They are still sexually active but with age, it has not been as frequent as before, when they would do it almost everyday. Now its looking like once every week or two weeks. 

"i heard mommy scream and it woke me up.." the little girl said whipping her sleepy eyes while holding her blanket. 

"Come hear my love, I'm sorry I woke you up, you want to sleep in mommies bed?" 

Lilly smiled sleepily and walked over to the bed, successfully climbing it and laying in between the two. She was 6 now so she knew how to manipulate at least one of her moms with her cuteness to get what she wanted. 

Both moms hugged their daughter and tucked her under the covers until she fell asleep. leaving tiny kissed on her head. 

Chaeyoung was still wide awake, thinking about what her and Mina were about to do before they got interrupted by the cutie queen. 

She reached her hand over and caressed Mina face. she was also still awake and smiled after the touch. 

"tomorrow" Mina whispered. they both knew that if they made too loud of noise, Lilly would wake so fast. 

Chaeyoung smirked and moved her hand down to Minas neck. griping it slightly for a second before letting go, catching Mina by surprise. 

She winked at her before closing her eyes. Mina was still looking at her with her mouth open. This was Chaeyoung. always surprising her with her sex kinks or quirks. 

Sometimes she was sweet but most of the time she was a beast. A tiger would be more like it. 

"I love you" Mina whispered before closing her eyes. 

Of course Chaeyoung heard it. She couldn't help but think back to all the memories she had made with Mina. Too many to count or name actually. 

She was content with their lives but also grateful she had started it with Mina. Now they have a daughter. Their lives are perfect. nothing could ruin this. 

"I love you too" She whispered back after a second and Mina smiled. she could now fall asleep knowing Chaeyoung said it back. She could fall asleep knowing she was not going to have another nightmare....

or will she.....

nah just kidding. 

The real end? 



I wanted to make it an even 50. I hated seeing the number 49 on my updates. so I had to just make one more. hope you liked their life update. sorry if I tricked anyone in the beginning. Also somi made a small comeback, WHAT!... It is April 1st after all. hahahaha. 

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