Get ready

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Chaeyoung gets to class and she sees her from the corner of her eye but doesn't face her. 'fuck how do I do this?' Chaeyoung tries to think of a way to confront Somi. 

"Chaengie!" Chaeyoung looks up and sees Somi walking towards her. She wrinkles her eyebrows and jolts a little at the shout from across the room who is now walking up to her. 

"Oh hey Somi what's up?"

"Chaeyoung listen, I know we've only know each other for a short amount of time but I wanted to tell you that I love you. Please be my girlfriend?" Somi confesses pretty loudly in front of the whole class. 

Chaeyoung is left speechless and confused as fuck. 

"uhh-hh" is all Chaeyoung manages to spit out of her mouth before Somi leans in trying to kiss her. 

"woah- wait uh" Chaeyoung tries to back away before their lips meet but fails. 

Chaeyoung backs away quickly as everyone is now starring at them. "Somi what the fuck? I did not like that, can we talk in private please?" 

Somi now looks embarrassed, as she should. This girl has serious issues. 

They walk out of the class. It's still a bit early and the teacher isn't there yet but some students were there and they probably heard and saw that whole exchange. 

"Okay what was that Somi? why did you kiss me?!" Chaeyoung says very annoyed.

Somi takes Chaeyoungs hands and pleads "please Chaeyoung just give me a chance! I've loved you since last year and I can make you so happy." 

"No Somi I didn't like what you just pulled in there plus I already have someone I love."

"Oh please don't tell me you love your little hookup girl. she doesn't love you like I do Chaeyoung." 

"What do you know about that!? and also Mina told me what you did. Why did you go tell her all that shit last night Somi?  What is your problem? Have you been following me?" Chaeyoung says angrily while removing her hands away from her. 

"Chaeyoung I only did that because I know she is no good for you. I know she is just using you." 

"You don't know Mina and you definitely don't know me okay, please just stay away from me and stay away from Mina." Chaeyoung says in the most intimidating voice she could find within. 

Chaeyoung stars to walk back into class but hears Somi whisper. 

"If I can't have you then she can't either."

She wrinkles her eyebrows and turns back around "What was that?"

"Oh nothing, just watch your back okay baby" Somi says with a smirk and walks back into the classroom. 

Chaeyoung was left so bewildered, thinking about why she made the stupid decision to choose Somi that one day. 


The day goes by like normal and she texts Mina after her classes. 

-Hey you-

Mina looks at her phone because it was just the person that she was hoping for. 

-I miss you already-

Now it's Chaeyoung who was a dopey smile on her face. Dimple very prominent at just the thought of her girl.

-I miss you more, you ready for tonight?-C

-Yes Me and Jeongyeon are supposed to watch parasite at 6:15.-M

-Me and me girlfriend will meet you there for a double date- C

-Don't call her your girlfriend.- M

-But she is and the more real this is, the more jealous your girl is gonna get, that might be beneficial to us okay baby.- C

- No kissing her then- M

-Whatever happens will happen- C

-If that does happen, you will not get any kisses from me then.- M

- I need those kisses. don't tease me baby-C

-you know what you need to do then,- M

-maybe I could come by and you could show me a little behind the scenes of the movie. 😉

-lets save it for tonight- M

- i need you now, I miss your body already- C

-what else do you miss?-M

-i miss the way you smell. I could sniff your whole body if I could.-C

-That would be a dream come true my love-M

-So I'll see you tonight, don't be late and Behave.- C

-Don't tell me twice. I love you.-M

-I love you- C

They finish their texting and start getting ready. Both girls very excited to start this forreal  relationship finally. 


Chaeyoung meets her "girlfriend" Nayeon in her dorm. 

"hey hey!" Chaeyoung says very excited walking into Nayeons room.

"There's my girl, How do I look? Will I make her jealous?" Nayeon says as she does a twirl for Chaeyoung to show off her outfit. 

"Pretty I guess, this might work." Chaeyoung just shrugs her shoulder. 

"You guess? You should know. I am the most gorg-" She was cut off 

"Yea yea lets goooo" Chaeyoung interrupts because it's the same thing with this girl. 

"ughhh you better not be like this on our date. you need to show skin ship so we can make them jealous okay?" Nayeon says sassily. 

Chaeyoung kept forgetting to tell Nayeon that the only person they need to make jealous is her Jeongyeon. 

"Fine fine but no kissing" Chaeyoung demands. 

"Maybe just one if we need to."

"No kissing!" Chae continues. 

"For an emergency only, like if everything else isn't working, then we kiss. But for sure hold my hand and flirt and stuff."

"Fine. that will be the last resort." 

"Lets go then didn't you say the movie starts in 20?"

"Yes lets go already little bunny"

"Hey!" Nayeon responds offended but they both laugh it off and head out. 


I got hurt at work so I was a out for a couple of days. Now I have to stay in bed for a while so I will probably update more often guys! Maybe even finish this story soon. lol I keep saying that but can't seem to finish it. I just keep adding more things. OMG help. 

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