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(Thanks to anyone who gave me suggestions! I will incorporate them as the story goes on and please don't stop commenting!)

'UGHHH why am I so weak!??' thought Chaeyoung as she was heading to the library to study after school ended for her. 

Still thinking about how she could have grabbed Mina and kissed her right there in front of everyone.

'she would not be able to refuse one of my kisses. She would always say how my lips were irresistible and perfect. how my tongue tasted like strawberries.' 

"yea that's what I'll do!" She says loudly in the library making everyone look at her. 

"sorry" she whispers back. 

'okay, I'll just go in and kiss her that way she wont be able to get away and realize how much she missed me.' 

"So what's that you're gonna do?" 

Chaeyoung jumped at the sound of someone randomly interrupting her train of thoughts when she thought she was alone. 

She looks up at the girl standing in front of her now "Umm, do I know you?" 

" I don't think so but we could know each other. and your little rant sounded interesting. Also I'm bored." The girl says before sitting next to Chaeyoung. 

"I don't think that's your business and why were you listening to my private conversation?" 

"Private? conversation? with who exactly?" 

They both look around and Chaeyoung just gives her a split smile. 

"Pleaseeee I am dying. I am tired of studying. I need a break. and what better than a break with the most beautiful girl in this school."

"Most beautiful? did you declare that yourself or something?"

"hahaha. I will have you know that all the people I have come across find me totally irresistible." 

"Okay well please count me out, thanks." 

"Ignoring that rude comment. Anyways please oh please?" 

Chaeyoung giving in to make this girl stop bugging her and weirdly trusting her.

She sighs. "okay. well, I am having lady troubles if you must know." 

"lady troubles? As in you're gay or something?"

"Yea you have a problem with that?"

The girl raises her eyebrows "hell no honey. I am on that L train too." 

Chaeyoung chuckles. "okay cool then"

"so what kind of troubles are we talking about?"

"This girl I am in love with, I know she loves me too but she got herself a girlfriend before I had the chance to make her mine." Chaeyoung says. 

Continuing "I tried to make her jealous but made a fool out of myself and failed. and now I'm here telling you about it. "

As this girl was intently listening she comments " Ooo poor baby, oh hun I wish you would have found me sooner."

"Why?" Chaeyoung says suspiciously. 

"I have decided that you need me." 

"And how exactly would I need you? We just met." 

"Stop being so difficult okay. look you need yourself a fake girlfriend and it just so happens I am trying to make someone jealous too," 

"That does sound interesting but what does it mean?" 

"ahh are you slow or something? We will pretend to be girlfriends and get you your girl. and I might get mine in the process too." 

"And what if this doesn't work?"

"Then you are stuck with me." 

Chaeyoung gives her a shocked face. 

"No but well cross that bridge when we get there."

The girl brings her hand in front of Chaeyoung. 

"Okay fine lets do this uhh?" 


"ah okay Nayeon" 

They stay in the library planning how they will do this. 

In the meantime Mina is still trying to break up with Jeongyeon. 


When Chaeyoung stood up from lunch, Minas heart broke into a million pieces because she could only imagine what she was feeling as just the thought of Chaeyoung with that annoying girl was horrifying and made her rage with jealously. 'good thing it wasn't what I thought.' 

'I need to clear things up with Chaeyoung. She still doesn't know that I want to be with her too and knowing her, she might go do something stupid.' Mina was still thinking and walking with Jeongyeon to her dorm. 

'oh yea I still have a girlfriend though.'

"Jeongyeon, we should talk." 

"Sure what's up? oh before we do look I got us movie tickets for tomorrow! I remember you said you wanted to watch parasite and I found where they are playing it near by us." 

Mina signs 'fuuck she's so freaking nice. Maybe after the movie.' 

"Sounds good. I still can't believe I haven't watched it yet. thanks Jeong." 

They get to Minas room and decide to order food. She does have a nice time with Jeongyeon after all, but promised herself she wouldn't get involved with her as the only body she wanted was Chaes. 

After they finish eating, Mina tells Jeongyeon she is really tired and needs to rest. Of course that wasn't the truth as she was trying to spend as little time possible with her so make it a less painful breakup for her. 

Mina lays down and decides whether to call Chaeyoung or not. Her finger grazing the call button next to Chaeyoungs funnY contact picture on her phone. 

All of a sudden she gets a text. 

It's her. 

-I know you have a girlfriend but I fucking miss you I miss your body I miss the way you taste.- 

Mina sits up "oh fuck" she says out loud. 

Reading Chaeyoungs text over and over while already getting super hot thinking about Chaeyoung smirking. 

Thinking about how if Chaeyoung was there she would make sure Mina were to feel everyone pleasurable emotion there was to one human body. 

How she would kiss her so slowly starting from her neck, grazing her nose over her nipples and then licking them slowly until she started begging for more. 

Just when Mina was about to respond back after her thoughts, she was interrupted. 


'strange' Mina thought as she stood up to open. 

'maybe its her' 

She opens it and she did not expect this person to be behind the door...


Tell me what you think so far and where you think this is going. 

love you guys. 

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