ep. 15 : caught

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(Y/n) awakens first. After the night that they had, she didn't know what to expect.

She sits up in bed, bringing the blanket up with her to cover her chest. Rick was on his back with his head turned to the other direction. She knew that he wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

(Y/n) stepped out of the bed and grabbed her shirt and underwear that Rick had tossed into the ground. Unfortunately, it would be a mini journey for her to go to the bathroom since there were serval doors connected to their room. After opening two doors she had found it. There was a giant mirror in front of the sink making it hard for (y/n) to not look at herself. She dragged her hands through her hair untangling it, then bringing them across her face.

"What a night," she breathed. (Y/n) was unsure if something like that was going to happen again. And as much as the thought of her and Rick having to go to another planet to be together bothered her, not being able to tell Rick how she felt about him hurt more. She didn't want to push it on him though, whether or not she knew his past. It's not right.

(Y/n)s thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching her.

"Hey," Rick says standing in the doorway shirtless. He tucks his hands into his pants pockets.

"Hi, I thought you would have stayed sleeping," she says smirking at him.

"I got up earlier, I was just napping...Last night was fun," He says approaching (y/n).

"I agree. Sucks that we have to go back home now though. I hoped that coming here would allow us to spend some more time together...alone. You know other then just one night."

"We don't have to go home. I know a nice place we can chill..." Rick proposes leaning his back against the marble counter.

"...what day is it?" (Y/n) asks as she had begin to finally waken. Rick looks at his watch.


"Oh shit! Rick, I have to go to school." (Y/n) says rushing out of the bathroom to put on her clothes. She didn't want Beth to be angry with her since she's missed school many times already and they've had plenty of talks. Plus. She still has to graduate.

"Forget school. It's already ten, you might as well just skip for the day." Rick calmly says taking his time to follow (Y/n) back into the bedroom.

She sighs. "Fine," she says looking down at the ground. Beth and Jerry aren't going to be happy though. And summer is going to wonder where I am. What do I say?"

"You'll be fine. Just say that you were with another friend."

"Anyways let's get dressed so we can leave this place. The people are assholes and we won't have to pay."

Rick and (y/n) finished getting dressed and portal back to the Smith house dreading having to go back and pretend like the other is a stranger. As they arrive in the garage, (y/n) exits onto the street.

"Where are you going?" Rick asks.

"To the store. I need cigarettes. I'll be back soon though."

(Y/n) stands outside of the convenience store smoking her cigarette thinking about Rick. Would they relive that night again? Would they be able to please each other even better?
She already craved the feeling of his hands on her, holding her waist to pull her closer to him, and the way his lips felt when they were on hers. It was perfect.

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