ep. 30: no rest, no relaxation pt. 3

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Toxic Morty nervously looks back down at the house from the passenger window.

"Get me the fuck out of here!" (Y/n) screams at him, she tries to get control of the wheel and turn back down but he holds her wrists tightly, and she stops.

"Sit down." He says. "I'm not going to hurt you." She looks at him for a moment as he puts in some address into the gps before taking a seat.

"Where are you going? And why did you even take me with you?" She asks crossing her arms.

"We're going to a place where I can get what I want. And you're apart of that so I had to bring you too."

Her eyes dart to Morty who is nervously looking around at the houses below. She looks back at Toxic Rick who is smiling at her.

"Don't worry about him. Morty knows not to fucking LISTEN TO MY PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS. Right, Morty?" Toxic Rick yells and Toxic Morty doesn't respond, more interested in his melancholy thoughts about life. "See," he says.


They fly in the air for another 20 minutes in silence before arriving at their destination. As they were flying, (Y/n) couldn't help but notice the many glances Toxic Rick shot at her, and she couldn't understand why.

With healthy Rick, he seemed to still like and be attracted to her, but he didn't just go ahead and act on whatever he wanted to do. He asked her first. And even when we were in the same room talking, he listened but still remained calm. It was like he was so sure that their relationship was perfect. But Toxic Rick is the complete opposite, obviously. He completely acted on his own instinct; he did what he wanted to, but with (Y/n), it's like he's more cautious with her.

Putting this all together in her head, (y/n) thought about the past couple days she's had.

They have to be going by their own ideas. Whatever they think is Toxic or healthy. It would explain why Morty is like this.

Considering this, she starts to look around at their location. The glances had stopped, and Toxic Rick began slowing down, soon hovering next to a big moon tower.

"Toxic Morty," Toxic Rick says. "Stay with (Y/n) on the tower and make sure she doesn't go anywhere. And be careful climbing on.

"Y-you first." Toxic Morty says. (Y/n) grabs onto the tops of the ladder and pulls herself up to the floor. Toxic Morty does the same trying not to look down, and then proceeds to untie the rope to the containment unit.

Rick puts the ship on autopilot, and it says hovered in the air as the two carefully bring the container onto the tower.

Rick presses a button and the car goes to the ground and parks itself.

"This 'Moon Tower,' Morty, [Burps] is the perfect height and metallic composition for the [burps] amplification and beaming of toxic energies. What do you think about that, Morty? Are you excited about that, Morty?" Toxic Rick says with one hand on the container.

"Oh, man. I'm just freaked out. I-It's too high up here."

"Once I flip this switch, the entire world is gonna be just as toxic as us, baby." Rick places his hand on the leaver ready to pull. 

"What about me?" (Y/n) asks quickly.

"Oh shit I almost forgot!" He walks over taking a small vial out of his pocket.

"Drink this. It'll stop you from turning Toxic and then we can fucking live happily ever after  once we get out of this shit-ass planet."

Toxic Rick waits for her to drink the liquid, and pulls the leaver. The machine lights up with electricity and sends rays of the toxic scum all over earth.

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