ep. 28 : our little secret

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"In todays news: The princess of some alien planet in the Abadango cluster has gotten her hands on a plasma shard...She is in for a lot of trouble because everyone in the galaxy will be coming after that plasma shard..."

"What are you doing? Are you watching the fucking news right now? Shouldn't you be out with your friends stealing from a target or something?" Rick asks (Y/n) down from the stairs. He hops over the couch and steals the remote form her hand, changing from the news to a random channel on his space cable television.

"I was watching that." She replies, turning her head and getting out of the comfortable pose she had been in on the corner of the couch. "And besides, this is more interesting than the shit at target."

"Yeah. I bet hearing about how some irrelevant planet got their independence is verrry interesting."

"Oh come on! Give me a break. I was a normal person before meeting you guys and now I know a bunch of shit that most people would kill to know at my age. I mean when you first discovered the people on these planets weren't you curious about how they lived?"

"Sure. For a second. But then I realized that they didn't matter and there was more important things to worry about in the universe."

(Y/n) seriously debated that question. Surely, there were things more important than humans and earth. And to Rick that was anything he found even remotely interesting. And of course, something most people wouldn't expect, his family.

(Y/n)s eyes dart to her phone buzzing on the couch next to her.

"Hey summer. Oh yeah hold on- Summer needs to talk to you." She hands the phone to him as he puts away his flask.

"Yo. Yeah it's the tall green bottle with three ex's on the label...I don't fucking know as many as they have...I'll pay you back later." He hangs up the phone and places it back onto the middle of the couch.

"Alright, I'm bored of this. Is there something you can show me that I haven't seen yet? Like a secret room in the house or something?" She asks turning her body to Rick.

His head turns to her direction. "(Y/n) there is a lot you haven't seen yet but I may have a something- actually the perfect thing." He says getting up immediately and walking towards the garage.

"What is it?" She asks intrigued, following him in the path that she's now very familiar with.

He walks a couple feet in before kneeling down in front of his desk and opening a hatch in the concrete floor. (Y/n) walks around to the other side, looking down into the blue and green lit tunnel.

"After you." Rick says holding the door open for her.

She smirks and takes a step on the ladder.


Rick hops down from the ladder, and places an arm around her shoulder, guiding her down the dimly lit hallway. They turn a corner and walk up to a narrow metal door.

Rick places his hand on the scanner to the left of him and the door opens, going up into the ceiling.

"What the hell is this!?" She asks after seeing the circular room that was covered wall to wall with shelves of colorful tubes.

"This is a room full of memories that I removed from mortys mind. Some of them he asked me to remove and some I removed just because I didn't want him to remember that specific thing."

"Does he know about this?" She asks as she walks up to the shelves and touches the tubes of mysterious colorful liquid.

"Nope. And if he did he'll go fucking crazy, so don't say anything. I'll tell him when he's ready."

"Which is when exactly?" She questions examining a blue tube, flipping it upside down.

A memory can be stored as a liquid?

"I don't know. When we I decide. Whenever he finds out..."

"Can I look at them? Like watch his memories from my eyes?"

"Yeah sure." He grabs a helmet from the desk next to him and motions for her to lay down on the chair. He places the helmet on her head and takes a step backward. "Which memory do you wanna see?"

"Um, do the colors mean anything?" She asks getting onto the reclined chair.

"Yeah, um-The blue vials are memories that are morty wanted removed, and the purple and red ones I thought, um, would be better if they weren't a current memory in mortys brain."

"So, why are the red and purple different colors? Why not just make them one color?"

"Because they're different ok! Pick one." He says walking towards the wall in front of her.

"The blue one next to your eyes."

He grabs the vial off the wall, along with some other ones.
"Ok. Here we go." He says before pushing the blue vial into her helmet. (Y/n)s eyes roll back and her body stiffens in the chair or a second before instantly dropping back down.

Rick positions her head back, as it had fallen off to the side in an uncomfortable position. He brings out a stool from under the chair and sits on it, drinking from his flask as he waits for (Y/n) to wake up.

It doesn't take long before she does. Her eyes widen, and she pulls the vial out from the helmet.

(Y/n) stares down at the now empty vial that once had Mortys memory in it, amazed and shocked by what she had just seen.

"Crazy stuff huh. It's not the only one." Rick says amused with himself and her reaction.

"I-I mean. Wow. So now that I've seen it Morty can't see it? Like he can never get that memory back?"

"Yeah but if he wanted it removed once, there's a high possibility he would want it removed again." He get out of the chair and takes the helmet off (y/n)s head. "Come on let's get out of here and have some fun before they get home."

(Y/n) grins at him. "I mean, Rick give me a second I just saw Morty do a horrible thing to a person!"

He smirks too, bringing his hand to her cheek, and bending down to kiss her. Again. Again. And again.

"Can't we just do it here. It's probably better- than anywhere else in the house." She smiles, wrapping her fingers in his hair. He nods, and begins to get onto the chair.

Now on top of her, Rick deepens the kiss, opening her mouth wide enough for her to stick her tongue past. Their bodies move in sync, trying to get comfortable in the reclined seat. Rick follows the kiss by moving his head lower, and leaving a trail of wet bites down her neck, past the collar of her shirt.

He meets (Y/n)s lips again, and kissing them harder, and pressing his hips down onto her. On instinct, (Y/n) spreads her legs, and tightens them when Rick lowers himself deeper.

As their kiss fastens, Rick starts grind on her, holding her face tighter to his.

"Ri-c-," she breathes against his lips. "We can't have sex here. It won't work."

"It will..." he says moving to kiss her neck.

"No, come on...let's- let's go upstairs." She struggles to say.

"(Y/n) we're already here...Unless you want to do it on the floor." He's jokes.

"Okay," she says to Ricks surprise. He looks at her and kisses her once more before getting off the chair.

He starts unbuckling his pants, and tosses his belt aside, then going to unbutton shirt. (Y/n) follows, and soon they're on the floor wrapped up in each others bodies once again.

Now on top, (Y/n) traces her tongue down the same path Rick had taken down her neck just a moment ago.

"Fuck," he says tilting his head back.

She holds his shoulders, and lowers herself onto him.

a secret romance - rick sanchez X readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن