What will your verse be?

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"Answer. That you are here. That life exists and identity. 
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. " -Walt Whitman
What will your verse be?

What will your verse be? What will be your legacy? 
What will you leave behind for others to follow? 
What will you do to leave your life not hollow?

My verse would be to be who you are, as that is only who you should want to be. 
Be not afraid to burst out your colour and show off your unique shade.

Be bold. Be confident. Be fearless.
Be crazy. Be different. Be kind.
Be colourful. Be a leader. Be welcoming.
Be unique. Be you.

"I believe in being the unusual. What do you believe in?" ~<3

Poetry of Alice CalbriWhere stories live. Discover now