Because of I

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Upon the crystal sea, I gaze there
As the flowers erupt in impeccable radiance
Sharing what little warmth they had with me

Frost decorated delicately the ground on which I lay
Wondering about what the world will have to become
Once I've gone away

The tumbling boulders pummel innocence
And the songs of the wind have grown sour and burning
The few leaves adorning the skies grimace, at what has become

Because of I

Nature's beauty ne'er will fade
Though simply the tongues of men can whisk it all away
The desideratum of us is ignored

The cwtch of the burrows in secret are found 
The agonizing cries of those in pain cry out
As the impurities unknown to us are deemed deleterious
All falls apart

Because of the incurable curiousness, of I

While nature prepares to excogitate a euouae 
Made of disturbed beauty, or what of it once was
As the gasconading ones mock what they took away

Indubitably, my thoughts remain by nature, ivoriate
As it drains my diligence of persuading what is useless to sound
What is useful to sound, if not a one cares to hear it?

How peculiar the honor bestowed upon one who does wrong for the sake of money
How strange the thoughts in ones head as he serves someone as nonchalant as he does
The terrible perceptive of those who are held higher, scowl, as they do not want to hear what is wrong

As they play about like life is a game
The very same life they destroy with every careless sip
Every day, we watch it slowly waning away

Do we do nothing? Are we truly as rancorous to the truth as that?
We watch the world fade of colour, and fill instead with dark smoke
Life will die, and all happiness is lead away by arrogance

Because, of the carelessness, of I.

Because, of the carelessness, of I

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Poetry of Alice CalbriWhere stories live. Discover now