You're the one that changed me

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It's like I met you, and suddenly, my whole world has changed.
It's like I met you, and instantly, I saw things in a new way.
It's like I touched you, and all the wishes I had ever made became irrelevant.
It's like I heard you, and all music failed to appease my ears as much as your laugh truly does.
It's like I saw you, and suddenly the stars could only shine half as bright.
It's like I knew you, and suddenly nothing was louder than my heartbeat when I was with you.
It's like I held you, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.
It's like I saw you, and a dozen shooting stars lit up my sky.

It's like I saw you, and suddenly all the love songs were about you.

Poetry of Alice CalbriWhere stories live. Discover now