Take me out

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I didn't understand why foxy was like that... he was so... triggered all the time. I don't understand why? I mean I love the fox don't get me wrong but sometimes he can be such a pain. Why couldn't he just be happy and glad that he has me and Freddy and Chica in his life... he was so ungrateful... anyway i digress, as me and Freddy were in the cab to the restaurant we began talking.

"Man what is wrong with foxy" I said looking out the window

"I know, what happened to the little puppy I remember" Freddy said sighing

"He grew up obviously" I giggled

"Apparently and Into the monster that we now hate" Freddy rolled his eyes

"Well I don't hate him... I just think he could at least show some sign of happiness or something" I explained

"Makes sense I mean I get where your coming from it gets really annoying really quickly doesn't it?" Freddy suggested smiling

"Yeah it does, I mean I love Foxy with all my heart but just sometimes he can be aggressive..and I know he doesn't mean to be. But it just lashes out you know" I sighed

"Yeah I get where your coming from, he does tend to show his teeth and growl a lot" Freddy stated

"Mmm..." I mumbled

We went quiet for the rest of the way, once we arrived. Toy Freddy and Clyde were already outside of the restaurant waiting there for us. Clyde helped me get out of the car, he was such a gentlemen and he really did care about me and I though it was adorable when he blushed.

"So.. shall we" Toy Freddy said with a smile

"Yes we shall" Freddy joked

When we entered the restaurant we were then seated and provided with menus for our choices of tonight's dinner. I looked up at down for something for me to enjoy. That's when Clyde tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to meet his beautiful gaze.

"Hey, what do you think of Foxy?" He asked me

"He is sweet some of the time, why?" I replied

"Well I dunno... I think he is a bit dangerous.. no offence or anything" Clyde said taking a sip of water

"Dangerous...foxy.... dangerous..." I stumbled

"well... he does tend to be... aggressive" Clyde said

"You have a point there Clyde" Freddy chuckled

"Yeah see, Bonnie look foxy is nice and all... but you do know he is a fox... and foxes tend to be a bit more aggressive and so they really don't have an excuse when it comes to their behaviour" Clyde explained

I was speechless, not only was Clyde talking bad about Foxy... but he was blaming it on his animal..

"So mangle doesn't count?" I asked

"What.." Clyde said looking up from his plate of food

"Mangle doesn't count" I repeated

"Well... I mean she is a female fox.. so she does tend to be more mild than Foxy... but anyway.look my point is that just be careful with him I wouldn't want you to be hurt" Clyde said taking my hand

I pulled away, how dare he assume that Foxy is a monstrous beast.. I mean Freddy's able to do it because Freddy knows foxy from the back of his hand... but Clyde?! How dare he.

"If he is so dangerous why haven't I been attacked yet?" I asked

"He is waiting for the perfect time" Clyde said looking at me

"I'm sorry what?!" I said

"Bon, knock it off" Toy Freddy nudged Clyde

"What? I'm just stating facts!" Clyde said

"Facts?!, you don't know foxy like me and Freddy do, so you don't have the right to sit there and tell me that he is dangerous!" I shouted

With that I got my things and walked out. How dare he sit there and tell me some lies that he made up. I walked home, it was a nice quiet night therefore I had time to calm myself dow. Once I arrive home I unlocked the front door and I walked in, I saw that Foxy had been drinking himself to death as I saw all these empty wine bottles everywhere. Where is that fox...

"Bonnie?" Chica said coming around the corner

"Yeah? Where is foxy?" I asked

"He is in his room.... he is really really really drunk..." Chica explained looking slightly embarrassed

"Oh, well I'm going into see him" I declared

When I got to foxy's room the smell of wine hit my nose immediately. How much had he been drinking? I hope it wasn't a lot, I slowly opened the door.

Foxy x Bonnie (Roses vs Lavenders) Where stories live. Discover now