Lavenders and their smell

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I was so pissed off at Clyde that night, how dare he insult foxy right in front of me, hell not just me but everyone. I threw my drink in his face and I didn't look back.

"Bonnie.." foxy said to me

"What?" I said looking at him in tears

"Sit down darling" he said

"No I'm fine!" I cried

"Your not, Freddy we need to go home now!" Foxy said

"Your right, come on guys" Freddy said grabbing everything

"I'm so sorry" Toy Freddy said looking at foxy hopefully

"It's not your fault. Don't apologise for something that you can't control" He said patting him on the back

We got into a cab to which I was crying in foxy's arms. My whole night was ruined by Clyde once again. I just hoped that the date with me and foxy this Friday was going to be way better than anything. Foxy held me in his arms all the way home. Once we got there he carried me bridal style into the house and he set me on the couch.

"Your going to be okay" he said stroking my hair

"I'm so so sorry foxy...." I cried into his shoulder

"Shhhh, don't cry it's not your fault" he said kissing my cheek

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ruin your night, I'm just sick to death of Clyde hurting you whether it's verbally or physically" I explained

"Bonnie, hush darling" foxy said to me

I looked at him in tears to which he kissed my cheek. He then held me in his arms for the rest of the night. When it came to bedtime he got me dressed. Even though I could do it myself, and he tucked me into bed with him for the night.

"Don't worry sweetie, Clyde can't get you" he whispered in my ear.

To those words I fell asleep buried in his arms and his comfort. The next day which was a Thursday I woke up still in foxy's arms. It was 7:48 am, which was typical for us considering we were both late sleepers, fortunately we didn't have any shows today and we could spend the whole day to ourselves. I got up and felt the cold breeze hit my body so I put on  foxy's pirate jacket which was a bit big for me but I didn't care it felt comfortable. I looked over at him and he was still asleep. Poor guy. Clyde must of beaten him hard last night.

"Bonnie?" He mumbled turning over to my side

"Yes my captain" I giggled

"Why are you wearing my captain's jacket?" He  asked me slowly waking up

"Haha, you noticed so what do you think? Looks good? " I teased

"haha it looks good on you that's for sure, but please be careful with it. It's a real one and Freddy said that he won't let me have another one if I ruin it" Foxy mumbled rubbing his eyes

"Aww okay but I'm cold" I whined

"Ah! Well I'm that case, here have one of my hoodies" he said passing me a over sized hoodie

"thank you" I smiled

"No problem, just be sure to give it back to me" Foxy said yawing

"Of course I will" I smiled

"Okay good" he chuckled

We spend the rest of the morning slowly waking up and getting our heads around the day.

"I'm heading down to the markets today" Foxy stated

"Oh are you? What for?" Freddy asked him pouring him a cup of coffee

"To get Bonnie some lavenders for our date" he smiled

"Oh? Bonnie did you hear that?" Freddy asked me

"Yes I did,  and just so you know in return I'm heading down to the flower garden to find some roses" I squeaked

"Well then that's your days settled" Freddy concluded

"Yep" foxy confirmed taking a sip of coffee

"In that case i might head out for lunch with Toy Freddy, he wants to speak to me about Clyde and shit..." Freddy complained

"Haha good luck with that!" I joked

"Thanks , I'll need it" Freddy snickered

"What time do the markets open?" I asked foxy who was already getting up

"Now-ish" foxy is grabbing his jacket

"Well then, do you mind bringing a fresh batch?" I requested

"Of course" he accepted

"Thank you" I smiled

As foxy left, I began to think of where I could buy roses. Ones that were really well taken care of and were given tones of love. I headed out in some search for these roses, I walked about a mile or so in our town when I saw some in a pot that were wrapped in plastic and had a little note on it which read "to you my love" perfect. As I payed for them I could see Freddy across the street with Toy Freddy, what a small town. I proceeded to walk home and in hopes that I would be back before foxy would so I could hide them but when I opened the door I was too late Foxy was sitting on the stage reading a magazine. What a cutie.

"I'm home!" I announced

"Hey, did you get me my roses?" He asked me

"Of course I did silly" I bubbled

"Good because I have the most perfect bouquet of lavenders for you" foxy insisted

"Good I look forward to seeing them tomorrow night" I joked

"Definitely" foxy chuckled

It was a quiet night with nobody around, foxy and the rest were all asleep. It was only me up and awake, I began to feel a cold shiver down my spine like in a horror movie or something more. I could sense that I wasn't alone tonight....

Foxy x Bonnie (Roses vs Lavenders) Where stories live. Discover now