Your heart my mind

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Please note that this chapter has some sexual references please be warned

After the date everything was perfect, I haven't felt so amazing in years. After my last girlfriend I was feeling pretty bad and didn't want feel up to dating. But Bonnie was a game changer, her beautiful red ruby eyes and her long purple her. The curves that shaped her body... just watching her made me drool... she was so fucking hot! And so sexy... I was truely in love.

"Foxy" Bonnie said waking up next to me

"Yes my darling?" I replied waking up with a smile

"We have the whole day to ourselves" she giggled

"Yes we do" I looked at the date it was a Saturday

"You know... I was thinking that we could have a little fun in bed~!" She teased

"A little fun~? Huh! That pretty naughty of you~!" I chuckled

"Haha~!!" She laughed

I blushed, she really was serious about the fun part. I wasn't so sure about it though it had been years since I last pleased a women so I was a bit rusty (pun intended), but hey I was willing to give it a shot.

"Sure why not" I whispered into her ear

Bonnie blushed and we ducked under the covers. Her body was amazing I kissed everything, making my mark in some obvious places, she giggled and moaned and bit her lip. When things got pretty steamy we went rougher, eventually we started biting each other not hard but gentle. She bit my ear. I bit her neck. I bite her breast. She bite my neck. It was a fun little thing. After a while we got serious, making out and pleasing one another in all of our private places. Bonnie and I were really enjoying ourselves, it wasn't until we came out of the covers did we realise that we had been going at it for 5 hours. Damn...

"Foxy~! I didn't know you could be so big~!" She giggled stroking my chest

"Haha~! Darling I didn't know you could be so yummy and sweet!" I teased licking her neck

"Oh stop it~!!" She moaned

It was about noon when we came out of my bedroom all red around the face and all lovey, my whole life I had been looking for someone who was sweet and kind and Bonnie was definitely the right girl!. I made her some coffee and we sat down on the stage talking, of course she cuddled herself between my arms. I couldn't be happier I really couldn't. Me and Bonnie were resting there for about 30 minutes when Chica and Freddy came out to their rooms.

"Hey guys" Freddy said waking up

"Hi!" Chica said with a smile on her face

"Hey, where have you guys been?" I asked them

"Asleep..." Freddy mumbled

"Haha! Here I made you guys some coffee" I said getting up

"Hm? Oh thank dude I appreciate it" Freddy said

"No problem man anytime" I smiled

We all sat at the table with Freddy and Chica on one end and me and Bonnie on the other. Bonnie gave me a look and so did I, we were quiet contemplating on whether we should tell everyone about our little relationship. I nodded and before I could say anything Bonnie blurts out with..

"Guys.. we have something to tell you..., now Freddy already knows this but Chica this might be a shock to you"

"Oh what is it?" She asked getting excited

"Me and foxy are dating" Bonnie said holding my hand

"What... no way..." Chica squeaked

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting isn't it!" Freddy  exclaimed

"I though you..." Chica said getting confused

"Yeah, well that has changed" I smirked putting an arm around Bonnie

"Well... congratulations!" Chica chirped "this is really new to me!" 

"Haha yeah I know, don't worry it's gonna be okay" Bonnie reassured

"Eek!, Does Clyde know?" Chica asked

"No...and I don't want him too" I said getting nervous

"Okay! We promise we won't say a thing" Chica promised

"Okay, good!" I chuckled

This went well.. I thought Chica was gonna loose it. Anyway we went on about our day and we carried on with our work. Around the evening the toys came over and Clyde was seemingly missing. I'd figured he was still resting after his attack, it didn't matter to me. Mangle told me that Clyde is gonna get revenge and I laughed at that idea, he knows that I can catch him again if he dare tries. My only issue was Freddy and Toy Freddy... but I guess I could lie to them... I guess...

Me and mangle were hanging around in the back room when she began asking questions about me and Bonnie. Which I got pretty defensive about and didn't answer things that were personal like: had we had sex yet? No what kind of a question was that! Anyway later into the conversation me and mangle began talking about our youth and she piped up with...

"I used to have like the biggest crush on you!"

"Wait- what?" I asked

"Yeah you were like the hottest kid I knew and I thought you were cute" she giggled

"Ah, why didn't you confess to me then" I asked

"Well because we were kids and I'd figured that we wouldn't know much about a relationship" mangle explains

"You have a point" I said

Without thinking mangle pulled me in by my shirt for a kiss. She touched my lips and we feel into a deep kiss... what was I doing?! I pulled back immediately.


"Foxy shush!" She said shutting my mouth "you don't want Bonnie to hear us"

"That is SO FUCKED UP!" I barked pulling away immediately.

Little did I know that it was too late...

Foxy x Bonnie (Roses vs Lavenders) Where stories live. Discover now