The wrong confession

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I laid on my floor for what felt like ages, my body was sore and aching with pain. My whole mind what wrapped around Bonnie and her treatment of me a few hours back. How could she be so mean and yet so cute.... it didn't make sense.... I felt a women's hand on my shoulder which I soon realised it was Bonnie's. It was so soft and gentle.. the soothing kind.

"Bonnie?" I said

"Hey.. hey foxy, what's all this?" She said in a calming voice

"I'm sorry... the pain was too much..." I whimpered

"Oh... foxy.." she whispered

I then felt her arms wrapped me into a warm hug, one which I didn't want to leave from. Her hands stroked my head and her arms covered my body. I was in heaven when I was with her.

"It's okay foxy, it's okay" she repeated

"Mmm..." I mumbled

I was at the verge of crying at that point. I was hurt by the way I had been treated by Freddy.. and her in a way... but for her to care that much about me that she would hold me close and make sure that I was okay felt great.

"Foxy I'm so sorry darling" she whispered "it going to be alright"

"Bonnie... can I tell you something" I said to her

"Of course" she said smiling

"Thank you for this... I needed this so badly" I whispered

"Hehe, no problem!" She smiled

I felt her warm arms hug me tighter, I then heard the front door open. Who could this be?

"Bonnie" Freddy called

"I'm in here" she called

"Oh no not Freddy...." I whispered

"It's okay shhh" Bonnie said soothing me

"Oh my god..." Freddy said when he opened my door "what the hell is this?!"

"Freddy shhh... leave him alone" Bonnie said looking at Freddy with a stern look

"You drank all my wine.." Freddy growled

"So what?" Bonnie said "leave him alone"

"Owwww...." I mumbled "I have a headache..."

"Of course you do" Freddy sighed

"Freddy, knock it off" Bonnie snapped

"Oh come on Bonnie, look I know that your angry at Clyde for making all those insults about him but honey.. you have to admit. He does have a point" Freddy said sitting beside Bonnie

"That bastard insulted me?" I mumbled drunkenly

"Yes foxy, but it's nothing personal" Freddy explained patting my head

"What did he say?" I asked getting a tad bit more sober

"He called you dangerous, and said it was because of your animal. And a bunch of other horrible things" Bonnie said "but it isn't a big deal... I guess I was just offended"

"Dangerous" I said sitting up "if I was dangerous I would be in the pound!"

"Yes you would" Freddy sighed

"And am I Freddy?" I asked him

"No your not" Freddy said rolling his eyes

"Haha! Exactly! I'm not dangerous I just have a bad temper" I stated smiling a bit

"Foxy... your bad temper is what makes you dangerous" Bonnie said touching my leg

"I know....." I whispered "but I love you and is that enough..."

"What?" She asked "what did you say"

"I said.... I love... you... is that enough.."'I repeated

"Foxy...I...." Bonnie gasp

"Wait a minute" Freddy said stopping me and Bonnie

"What?" I said looking at him

"You love Bonnie..." Freddy said

"Yes...." I mumbled

"Wow... I didn't see it in you" Freddy stated sitting up and patting my head

"Freddy.. ahem.. can you leave us alone for a second" Bonnie said

"Oh... your serious... uhh sure.." he said

When Freddy left, I knew that this would be something that I would regret. Whether she accepts me or declines me it was all on the line.

"Foxy... baby.... look.. I dunno what to say.. I mean your a sweetheart don't get me wrong, i just find it hard to-" I cut her off

"I get it.. you don't feel the same" I said looking down "I shouldn't have said anything"

"No.. no foxy that's not it at all.." Bonnie said with a weak smile

"Oh? Then what is it" I said

"Foxy you're a sweetheart, no doubt about that. I just think people will find it weird that a bunny and a fox are together that's all..." she explains

"Who said people had to know?" I said

"Well.. you have a point" she says looking at me

"Bonnie, no one has to know.. I mean apart from Freddy but Bonnie we could keep our relationship private and no one will know" I said holding her hands

"Hmm.. okay I'll give you a chance I guess" she said

"Yes!" I exclaimed

"Haha!" She giggled

Bonnie and I gently nuzzled each other before she left. I was really excited about this... but I was also a bit scared as I didn't know how long this relationship would be kept a secret... especially with Freddy's big mouth running around with our info... I guess I would have to bribe the bastard... money is everything I guess...

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