Pt. 2 || Becoming (2)

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Next morning, you woke up, looking around. You looked down at your ankle, it wasn't purple anymore. You cautiously stepped on your feet, it hurt a little bit you could handle it. You got up and got ready for the day. You were wearing the same thing from yesterday, not bothered to wear anything else. You saw yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess. You combed your hair, which was very hard and tied it up into a low ponytail. You walked downstairs, calling for Jim, but he was going out the door.

"Where are you going?" you asked.

"To the dentist, to tell Toby about yesterday. I'll see you later," he said, closing the door behind him.

You walked into the kitchen and saw your mom making something. Oh no. She didn't have Jim's cooking skills, or any for a fact.

"Mom! What are you making?" you asked peeking over her shoulder.

"Just making toast. You want some?" she asked and you backed away.

"I'll pass, I'll just grab something out of the fridge," you said, walking to the fridge and opening it up.

You took the first thing you saw, which was an apple.

"Your going to eat an apple for breakfast? You're not the type of person who would have fruit first thing in the morning," she said, raising her eyebrow at you.

"Well, you know what they say: an apple a day, keeps the doctor away," you stated.

"That's what parents say to make their kids eat an apple, it's not actually true," she told you.

"Meh. Well, I'll get going, bye!" you said, kissing her on her cheek and walking out the door.

You rode your bike over to Mr. Benoits, hoping for something to eat, more then just an apple. You walked in and saw there were a lot of people today. You walked out of the cafe. It would take a long time for you. You went to a taco truck instead. You saw that the line wasn't too long, so you stood in line. As you moved to the front of the line, you looked at the menu. When you got to the front, you ordered a breakfast burrito. You waited a good 5 minutes until when your burrito arrived. You thanked them and walked off to find somewhere to sit. It was a beautiful day, so you sat outside the museum. You ate your burrito quietly while researching about sorceresses. Apparently you were one. You found a wikipedia page that said sorceresses were a female practitioner of magic. 'Practitioner of magic' was in blue so you clinked on the link, to only find out about magicians. Not helpful. You only found websites that defined sorceresses, not actually tell about them. You sighed, frustrated.

"Looks like someone is frustrated," a familiar voice spoke.

You looked up to see Douxie.

"Oh hey Douxie. I was just researching but didn't find what I was looking for," you explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, I see you are in town, so your ankle must be okay. Right?" he asked.

"Yeah, its better. It still hurts a bit, but I can handle it," you said, walking over to a near by bin to throw the foil that was wrapped around the burrito.

"Well, are you interested in books?"Douxie asked.

"Yeah. Why?" you asked, curious why he suddenly brought up the topic of books.

"Well, the bookstore I work in isn't far, wanna come?" he said.

"Yeah sure," you replied.

You both walked to the bookstore, chatting about your life. When you had arrived, Douxie held open the door for you and bowed.

"Why you're very chivalrous," you commented.

"Thank you m'lady," he joked.

You both walked inside. It felt very cozy and homey. You walked over to a shelf, and started skimming through the titles. None of them looked appealing to you. You kept searching through the shelves, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Douxie, holding out a book.

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