Pt. 4 || Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?

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You looked at the scene in front of you. You could see tiny stores, with trolls roaming around. Neon signs showing which store was which. There were crystals everywhere, but you didn't know what types of crystals they were, you would ask Toby later since he had quite a bit of knowledge about crystals and rocks. Then your eyes landed on a huge crystal that had shades of orange, yellow and red, and it was radiating a lot of light from it.

"This is..." Toby started.

"Yeah..." Jim continued.

"Pretty much. This is your home?" you asked Blinky.

"Trollmarket is home, and heart, and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends, there's much see," Blinky replied, leading us down a stone staircase.

"Dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath out town was dirty plumbing," Toby commented, giving Jim and you a high five.

"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before," Blinky warned.

When we started getting a bit deeper into the market, trolls were staring at us.

"Human?" a random troll gasped.

"Friends," Aaarrrgghh told the troll defensively.

"This is crazy! Are you getting this Tobes? Y/n?" Jim asked, looking around, dumbfounded.

You nudged Toby to start taking photos.

"Oh yeah on it!" Toby said, starting to take photos.

You also took out your phone and started snapping photos.

"Check it out!" Toby exclaimed, pointing at the different crystals. "Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite! Corneroupi..." Toby started, but then he realised that it wasn't a rock, but a troll.

You giggled. "Uh, hi," pulling Toby away from the troll, and back to the group.

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost Troll-like Tobias," Blinky remarked. "So your kind? You all live here?" Jim asked.

"Trolls travel from afar to our market, to find comfort and residence. You'll find almost anything you need, and some!" Blinky replied.

As we passed through a shadowed area, you noticed a big blue troll covered in crystals, watched Jim, more like glare. While walking, gnomes scuttle around your feet.

"Oh, hey little guy! That's a cute point hat-" Jim grinned at the gnome, but then the gnome hissed at him, showing his point teeth.

"And pointy teeth!" you exclaimed, backing away from the gnomes.

Blinky tries to stomp on them, shooing them away, "Go away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Begone!"

One of the gnomes blows raspberries at Blinky and runs off.

"What is that?" Jim asked.

"Gnomes are vermin. Pick-pockets, scum of the Earth! We only tolerate them for their grooming services," Blinky answered.

"Grooming?" you and Jim asked.

"They eat the parasites on the larger trolls," Blinky says, pointing to Aaarrrgghh.

You stuck out your tongue in disgust. Who eats parasites? Blech!

"Jim! Y/n! Check it out!" Toby called out, pointing to the massive crystal. "Maximum velocity there!"

"Look at that, it's amazing!" you sighed, looking at it.

"Heartstone," Aaarrrgghh said.

"The life force of troll kind! The means that keep us from crumbling to stone, and the source of light and sustenance," Blinky explained to the three of you.

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