Pt. 7 || Win Lose or Draal

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Warning: Character death 

Credit: @its gabby.2021 (Instagram) and my friend Belle for helping me. 


Toby and Jim sat in the police car and they drove away to the station. You peddled your way there to see them being led through the doors, police officers behind them.

Abruptly, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You took it out to see a message from Douxie.

Douxie: You got home safely?

You: No, I'm at the police station.


You: Doux, I'm completely fine. Calm down.

Douxie: But what happened, love? Why are you at the station?

You: Jim and Toby may have stirred up some trouble.

Douxie: What did they do?

You: Idk. But I'll find out soon.

Douxie: Okay, love. I have to go. Archie spilt water all over the carpet. Bye.

You: Happy cleaning. Bye.

You put your phone away and then saw two cars pull up in front of you. You instantly recognised one was your mom's car. The driver's door swung open to reveal your Mom very tense. Her eyes darted around and finally landed on you.

"Y/n!" she exclaimed and ran to you, engulfing you in a hug. She pulled back and looked you in the eye. "Why did Jim and Toby get arrested?"

"I-I don't know. I was just heading home when I saw them surrounded by the police. Then they just got taken away," you replied.

She nodded, "I'll take care of this, you wait here."

You obeyed and she walked in with another man.


Jim and Toby walked outside, disappointed.

"Guys," you started. "Why were you guys arrested?!"

"We... um... we'll explain it to you in the car," Jim hesitated.

"You better," you said.

You all headed in the car and you and Toby sat in the back while Jim sat in the front. ,

"Okay, now shoot," you demanded.

Jim and Toby both explained how they found the den of goblins and how they discovered a human changing troll.

You processed all the information slowly and remembered something that you had read about in the book you had bought from Douxie's bookstore. It had something mentioning about changelings.

Wait. If changelings and the human changing troll that Jim and Toby mentioned are the same, then how does Douxie have a book about it?

"Right," you nodded, thinking over what they said.

"I mean, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face? Coach Lawrence? Steve?" Toby suggested, before he gasped. "What is Strickler's one of them?" Toby leaned ahead and looked at Jim expectantly.

"Could be," you agreed, nodding.

Jim looks out his window, "Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history. If he's one, I'm one." Jim scoffed and pushed Toby back into his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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