11 - All Eyes On Me Now

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        Sun beat down on her face unrelentlessly. The female's mouth formed a scowl as she waved her papers in front of her face, trying her best to fan herself and keep cool. It would not form a good impression if her makeup smudged. Bracelets around her wrist clinked against each other, and her necklace was choking her. But she knew that if she brought it up, her mother would hit her and scold her, then her father would see and do the same.

        "Get up! Everyone else is standing, but you're the only one sitting! Where are your manners?!"

        Sweeping the uncomfortable expression off her expression, she placed a fake smile on her face and turned to face the woman that she loathed.

"Alright, mother! I apologise!"

Brushing down her stiff white dress, that she found too uncomfortable, she made her way as fast as she could to the front, only giving a longing look to the group of teenagers who were seated, chatting excitedly with each other. They were all around her age, sixteen, but they weren't treated the way she was.

They weren't forced to wear clothes that made her uncomfortable, or talk back, or disobey the smallest of rules, like not going to school even one day, whether she were sick or not, and they weren't forced to have to go shopping for concealer every Saturday just to cover the little 'souvenirs' she was gifted every day.

Lowering her head and tucking her hands to her side and behind her back, she stood up straight, a posture a 'proper woman' should have. Hands patted down her hair, and that wretched woman tsked upon seeing the 'mess' her braids had become.

"I leave you alone for one minute, and you mess up your hairdo?! What is wrong with you?!" She hissed, spraying her hands with deodorant and hand sanitiser as if just touching her made her filthy. The young girl could only look down at her polished Mary Janes, enduring the scolding and readying herself for what would happen at home.

If her excuse of a father noticed, he didn't say a thing.

She stood through the entire procedure of her older brother, that woman's son, getting married. He laughed as if he was going to be loyal to the gullible girl who believed she was going to be happy forever. But she wasn't. The younger knew enough.

Five hours later, the bride and groom left to their new house, and the guests left the wedding venue in a steady stream. Sitting in the air conditioned car, the tension in the vehicle was high, the parents sitting in the front as slow classical music played through the speakers. The young teenager in her made her fingers itch, wanting to switch the radio to her favourite songs that she had to go to her local bookstore just to listen to, when they played it over the speakers.

However, the young girl knew it wasn't her place to. She was just what was left over, an unfortunate consequence of her father's previous relationship.

In the house she hated to call home, she was treated the way she always was. The words spilling out of their mouths piercing through her skin like glass shards, the blows received over her already bruised skin. Her heart shattering into pieces yet again, that dumb muscle that never let go of hope that it would somehow change one day. Her brain knew the truth.

She would forever remain the odd one out. The punching bag they had no need to got to a gym to get. The plaything that terrible 'brother' would always go to, whether he was in a relationship or not. The useless 'waste of money' that they couldn't get rid of. The 'strange foreigner' to her Korean classmates, that had a strange Korean accent.

"What are you, American? If you wanna be Korean, then at least speak like it." They claimed, scribbling on her worksheets before it even reached her as it was passed down the row. Hiding in the back, always quiet. Only scared because of her 'fake' accent.

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