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A/N: CONSOLATION CHAPTER I'M SORRY FOR MY PRANK-- HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY Y'ALL. Also I am drawing on ALL my Little House On The Prairie knowledge for this book.

Usually you were an early riser. But not this early. Why, it wasn't even light outside as you sat up slowly, rubbing your eyes. Awakened by some noise you weren't sure what it was, in an unfamiliar place, with James curled into a ball next to you, still sound asleep. Listening carefully, the floorboards squeaked again outside the door. It all came flooding back then, and you remembered where you where, why you were there, all that necessary information. Mostly awake by now, you heard a low whisper coming from the other side of the door. 

"I'm headin' to the barn, wanna get a head start." It was Mush's voice. 

And then, a girl-- Peggy, sounding way to chipper for this early-- "How come? Usually you're as slow as molasses in the mornings. Got somethin' else you wanna be doing?" 

Mush exhaled, and you could practically see him shaking his head. "No, not really." 

"I bet you do." Peggy said in a sing-song tone. "I bet it has to do with that Y/N too." 

The sound of a soft shove, a muttered denial, and Peggy's giggles only added to the fervent blush that was spreading on your cheeks. 

"I can give you tips, if you'd like them." Peggy continued. "Flowers are sweet, but only further into your relationship. I'd recommend starting out with maybe some of those berries, or perhaps focus more on showing her around-" 

Something thwumped into the wall, and Peggy erupted into giggles again. 

"I'm going now." Mush said in a whisper through his sister's giggles. "You should start on your own chores too." 

"Yes sir." Peggy managed to get out through her giggles, and you heard a backdoor close and Peggy continue giggling. 

You weren't sure exactly what do to now, but you didn't feel like going back to sleep. So you crept to the door and cracked it softly. 

Peggy was sitting, back to the wall opposite you, fully dressed and hair braided, still suppressing muffled snickers. A pillow lay on the floor next to her, the cause of the thump you had heard. She heard the soft creak of the door and looked up, meeting your eyes with a large grin. 

"Good morning." She whispered. "Sorry if I woke you up." 

You shook your head, stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind you. "You're fine." 

Peggy nodded, still grinning. "That's a pretty nightgown, by the way." She said quietly. 

"Thank you." You smiled a little bit. 

"You just missed Mush y'know." Peggy said, changing from subject to subject faster than butter melting on a hot pan. 

"Oh, I did?" You said, deciding the best course of action would be to pretend like you hadn't heard the conversation.

"Mhm. He's out in the barn starting his chores." Peggy replied. "I should be starting mine, come to think of it. The barn is right back and to the left, the lantern should be lit, don't step on the mousetrap by the door and watch out for Susie she's been real mean ever since she had her calf. Meet you there in a minute."  

With that the girl jumped to her feet and scurried down the hallway, headed in the direction of the kitchen.

You blinked after her slowly. After a couple seconds of blissful silence in which you were able to wake up fully, you slipped back into the room you had slept in. Taking a simple cotton print from your trunk, you changed into the day dress quickly, slipping your boots onto your feet when you were through. Grabbing an overcoat as an afterthought, you slipped out into the early morning air. 

It was that time between light and not light, where the cool greyish sky seemed to seep into the horizon, and the stars were beginning to fade. The dim glow of the lantern hung on the hook above the wide thrown doors of a freshly painted red barn, and it was there you made your way to. 

You were glad you had grabbed an overcoat, as the chilly air nipped threateningly at your nose and your booted feet stepped over the mousetrap stretched across the barn door and shyly into the barn, which was thankfully warmer than outside. 

The barn was large, divided into sections. Pigs lay sleeping in a far corner, and five horses heads were visible, along with three cows, each in their own stall. A cat lay curled on top of one of the horses' backs, which didn't look comfortable for either of them, but apparently the animals were fine with it.

The very top of Mush's head was visible over a partition of one of the many stalls, and you curiously walked a little closer. The animals' heads followed you as you walked, except for the pigs, who couldn't be bothered to move. 

The stall next to Mush was empty, and you softly slipped inside it. Resting your arms on the divider and watching the boy curiously, who was crouched on a small wooden milking stool and expertly coaxing the milk into a metal pail.  

Mush caught your movement out of the corner of his eye and smiled a little bit, turning his head to look at you. "Good morning." He said in a very soft whisper. 

"Good morning." You replied, puzzled slightly by the soft tone but matching it the same. 

Mush smiled a little wider. "You should probably come over here, that's Rosie's stall and I'm almost done." He said softly. 

You nodded and left the stall, just as Mush stood up and patted the brown cow gently on the neck. With a soft snort it stepped around, right past you (which caused you to step back), and reentered its stall, heading straight for the carrot placed within. 

Mush pulled a couple strings that were tied to pegs on the wall and waved you over towards him. "Quick, before Susie gets here." You stepped towards him and mostly into the milking area before a large black cow trundled through and stuck its nose into the feed bin on the wall. Shouldering you slightly aside as it did so, indifferent to the new two legged creature that was interrupting the milking and carrot-eating process. 

You stumbled slightly into the stall and Mush steadied you easily, the same smile on his face. 

"Now, I'd show you how but Susie's been real grouchy lately, so it's probably best if you learned later." Mush said softly, returning to his spot on the stool. 

You nodded and backed up a bit to give him some space as he began to milk again. Your attention turned to the strings he had pulled, trying to figure out what they were for. Following the path of the strings led to ropes that crisscrossed above the stall doors and were tied onto weights that seemed to control the lower halfs of the swing doors. 

"Like it?" Mush asked, suddenly standing there behind you. 

"Oh!" You spun slightly, startled to find him right there. He was smiling a little bit, and you couldn't help but notice the way his short sleeved shirt exposed his muscles. Wasn't he cold? 

"I made it myself." Mush said proudly, his cheeks blushing a little. "Look--" He pulled one of the strings, and the stall door swung closed behind Susie. 

"Verrrrrrry impressive, brother, and I hate to interrupt you, but don't we have chores to be doing?" 

The voice came from above you, and you looked up to see a blue eye peeking through a knothole in the loft above. 

Mush let out a soft laugh and shook his head. "I'm working on it, Pegs. Are you through with the chickens?" 

"Just heading there now. Wanted to see if Y/N would like to come." Peggy responded, and you could tell she was grinning. 

You nodded your agreement, and the eye disappeared from the knothole. A couple seconds later Peggy appeared in front of you, having simply jumped the 10 feet or so down from the loft. 

"Great! Let's go!" 

Between Two Trees (Mush Meyers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now