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{Nightshades POV}

My head was absolutely killing me. Though, I couldn't imagine what Cicero was going through. The poor fool hasn't moved for hours since he woke up. I can at least manage to get around.

"You!" I spun around suddenly, hearing Irri storming up behind me. Oh boy, what did I do this time? Last time I got this drunk, I brought a total stranger to the Sanctuary and nobody was happy about it. My dreary eyes met her fierce blue ones, and my heart froze for a split second.

"Yeh..?" my oddly soft voice responded, it sounded nothing like me. Apparently to the point where Irri even seemed a little taken aback, but even still she didn't halt her sharp tone.

"You! Almost got yourself and Veezara killed yesterday." her voice went from angry to a quick calm. My ear flicked, and I tilted my head.

"How so? I can't remember a thing.." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. Irri huffed, grabbing my wrist. I flinched slightly, not expecting the sudden contact.

"You ran right into a bear. You had me worried you stupid fur-rug." Irri grumbled, her blue eyes looking to the side as she spoke her last few words. I chuckled softly, pulling my wrist free from her oddly soft grip.

"Yeah, I'm sure I did," I said in a joking tone. "You wouldn't care if I had died, I mean come on, you had no issue telling everyone I was dead last time." My tone was obviously joking, but her eyes remained as stoic as ever. I stopped my giggling and just stared at her blankly for a moment.

"Whatever.. you should go make sure your clown friend is okay. He's been whining all morning, everyone's sick of it." her voice returned to its normal, void of emotion tone. I rolled my eyes, I should've known I was just overthinking things. She couldn't really be worried, I mean, she HATES me! Right?

I turned back towards Cicero's room, kneeling down beside his bed. I tapped his shoulder, only to be met with a groan.

"Leave Cicero alone.. he is dying.." he said in a dramatic tone, and I simply started laughing. Which in hindsight was probably a horrible idea, as it made my head hurt so much more. After a moment of letting my headache settle, I rested my hand on his shoulder.

"You're not dying, you goose." I replied somewhat dryly. "Don't you need to tend to the Night Mother? Quit your whining and get to it!" I said playfully, lightly hitting his shoulder. Cicero sat up slowly, clutching his head.

"No matter what.. a Keeper must attend to his duty.." he said, more to himself than to me. He stood slowly, and I made sure he didn't fall down or anything. Maybe drinking that much wasn't very good for a first time. At least I think it's his first time drinking, he made no indication that he had before.

We made our way carefully towards the Night Mother's chamber. As we walked, I felt the icy cold gaze of Irri watching me. It was so weird, I went to look towards her but she had looked in another direction. Wonder what that was all about? It doesn't matter, right now I need to worry about making sure Cicero doesn't.. I don't know, die?

Upon reaching the chamber, he pushed away from me and carefully walked towards the coffin. He did his usual routines, cleaning off the corpse, making sure the flowers were in order, etcetera. I decided to sit at the table just to the side of the room, watching him like a hawk.

My mind wandered, and I remembered the contract that the Night Mother had given me. Well, no time like the present to get that one started I suppose.

"Cicero, will you be okay in your own? I have business to attend to." I called, rising from my seat. He turned slowly, and had an uneasy look. It was interesting to see, very much unlike his usual smirk. No matter what he had that smirk. Suppose this was just too much for him to handle.

"Err.. he supposes. Cicero will do his best, dear Listener!" he called, his voice still retaining his cheery tone despite his wary eyes. Neither of us were sure how well he'd hold up to that statement. No matter, I can't hold off on this any longer. It's time for a contract!

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