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~Nightshade's POV~

The gloomy streets of Riften were quite a sight. It was the city of crime, and I liked it. Being in a Riften mixed with the giddiness of being here to kill my sister was such an intense feeling, not one I could possibly describe through words. Nazir seemed to notice that I was not mentally there however, and had sent Irri to keep watch over me.

I was planning to try and at least get to know my sister somewhat before I killed her, I wanted her to think that maybe we could start over, only for me to backstab her for the second time. Blaming her for all my violence as a child got her sent to this orphanage so many years ago.

"Irri, can you go get some poison from.. whoever.." I murmured, wanting to distract her for a moment. I felt Buttercup would feel threatened if I showed up with someone else.

"Yea, sure." She sounded pretty unenthusiastic. As soon as she was gone, I bolted to the Orphanage. Upon entering, I forgot about the slightly risen bar of wood by the door and tripped, falling flat on my face. So much for an entrance. As I looked up, I saw the familiar face of Constance Michele, only looking a tiny bit concerned.

"It's you.." she breathed, taking a small step back. I forgot, she walked in as I slashed Grelod's throat, she knows what I did, and yet she didn't even seem afraid. Even she knew the old hag had it coming. "Do what you need to do and then get out. Just don't hurt the children." She said quickly, not meeting my eyes as I got up.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting children, trust me." I reassured her, pushing past and making my way to Buttercup. She was reading to the children. When she saw me, she froze, her expression unreadable.

"Sorry children, I'll have to finish this story later.." she said, placing the book on the side table. Looking at the children, I saw that Aventus had come back to the Orphanage as he said he would. What a good kid.

"What do you want?" Buttercup snarled at me. I simply gave her what I assumed was a loving smile, reaching out my hand and grabbing her arm.

"I've come to apologize. I realized that blaming you for my mistakes was so unbelievably childish.." I tried to play my voice to be sad, almost regretful. Her eyes told me she was buying it. "I want to make it up to you. Please, come back to Whiterun with me."

"Oh... alright.. I'll return soon." Buttercup said, nodding to Constance before leaving with me. The two of us headed towards Riftens exit. She suggested taking the carriage, but I explained I wished to reconnect with her on the way back, away from prying eyes.

Our journey began, and soon I'd be plunging this sweet, small dagger into the flesh of her neck..


~Irri's POV~

"By Sithis, where did those fur rugs go.." I murmured, leaving the Orphanage. Should have known Nightshade was planning something. Sending me away to buy poison sounded suspicious, and now she and the target were gone.

I searched around Riften, though that was obviously useless as there's no way she'd stick around. Upon exiting, in the distance I saw the faint outline of her and the other khajiit. She's so pathetic, trying to save another khajiit. It was kind of odd, she seemed to excited to take this contract.

Taking out an arrow, I coated the point with the poison I had bought. No need to waste it. I aimed at the cream-blonde coloured cat, and shot. It hit her, she toppled forward with a gasp. (👌😎👍) The poison I bought was strong, admittedly I spent more than necessary on it, but it would get the job done.

Hell, maybe I could shoot Nightshade too, the furface deserves it after running off with the target. However, I didn't care that much. She'd have to learn sooner or later, it doesn't matter who it is, the contract must be completed. Before Nightshade could spot me, I disappeared, heading back to Falkreath.

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