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~Nightshade's POV~

"Do you know where I can find someone named Shiro?" I asked yet another guard. Of course, nothing useful came from him. Either the guards had never heard of him, or couldn't remember. Even still, he wished me luck on my search. Honestly, I was about to give up until another voice caught my attention.

"Did you just say Shiro?" Some old nord spoke. He was leaning up against an inn, drink in hand. I turned to him, nodding eagerly. "He's the leader of a bandit group.. they live in some dusty old cave nearby." He said. "But I wouldn't go messing with them, they're known to be harsh on trespassers."

"Thank you for the information." I said, a grin playing my face. No bandit could stop me from achieving my goals. This was the lead I was looking for.


Caves. There were a lot of caves around, but I think I found the one I'm looking for. It's not too far from Solitude, and it seemed to be crumbling apart. This should be it. I crouched down, entering the caves small entrance. My footsteps were muffled, and I killed the bandits with ease.

Once I had taken out all but one, I tackled the last bandit to the ground, and held a dagger to his neck. I felt his body trembling, and I had to hold back my giggles.

"Where is Shiro?" I asked sharply, just barely resisting the urge to slice his neck open. The fear in his eyes made me feel so strong.

"H..He's in the back r-room.. past the s-spiders." His shaky little voice was pleasing, and I killed him with no hesitation. I wonder if he expected me to spare his pathetic life if he told me. What a thought!

The next room was filled with disgusting frostbite spiders. Nothing I couldn't handle of course, but I just couldn't stand their eyes. How could the world allow such nasty creatures to exist? Once I defeated the stupid creatures, I kicked open the back door, and the room seemed to be the cleanest place in the whole cave. There was a bed, table, and even a shrine of Talos.

At the table, a man sat. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Shiro, and he slowly turned to face me. "I.. I know why you're here. Just get it done and over with." He said confidently, though his eyes gave it away. He was afraid.

"I'm not going to kill you yet." I growled, slowly shutting the door behind me. He appeared confused, but the fear was still much more apparent. "Tell me, did you pay the Dark Brotherhood to have the khajiit Buttercup killed?"

His shocked expression gave me my answer. An obvious yes "I did.. but it's been done, hasn't it?" I rolled my eyes, stepping closer to him, putting my hand on my sword. I wasn't going to be patient.

"Who else did you pay, her h? The Dark Brotherhood wasn't the only one after her." This might've not even been true, but if I could get even one answer out of him it would be enough. Anything would be enough, I had to know who's skull I needed to drive my sword through.

"I don't understand- I didn't pay anyone else.." he said with a shaky voice. I growled, drawing my sword. He tried to talk his way out of it and I had enough.

"Shut UP." I hissed, forcing my sword through his chest. He choked, looking at me with a pained expression. I couldn't help myself, I began to laugh as he choked and coughed up blood. I retracted my sword, deviously licking a bit of the blood off. It was quite salty. I suppose my work here is done, and I left the cave. Time to return to the Sanctuary.


I had returned to the Sanctuary a day later, the trip between Solitude and Falkreath was quite far, even on horseback. It was quite late, so only a few people were awake to welcome me back. I was exhausted, and I practically melted into my bed.

It was odd though, as I laid there I couldn't seem to calm my rushing mind. Shiros odd reactions to what I had said were confusing. As I thought about it more and more, I could tell I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, despite how much I craved it.

Careful not to wake anyone, I slowly got up and headed to the Night Mother's chamber. I sat in front of the coffin, just thinking. What could be happening.. who the hell stole my damned kill..

"WHO?" I snarled, louder than I expected. I was somewhat asking the Night Mother, wondering if she'd answer me. Of course she didn't, and I sighed, lowering my head in defeat.

"Nightshade? What are you doing?" I couldn't see the face in the darkness, and my tiredness made me unable to recognize the voice.

"Huh? Who's there?" I asked drowsily. Irri approached from the darkness, and she walked over to me. She looked at the Night Mother, then back to me. "Oh, it's you." I sighed, not even bothering to answer her question.

"You seem tired." She said, pointing out the obvious. "You should get to bed, you just got back didn't you?" She added, kneeling down beside me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I sighed, nodding.

"Yeah, I suppose so, huh?" I said with a chuckle. Once again, Irri gave me another rare smile. I returned the smile, and we got up together. She walked me back to my bed, and I felt my mind clear. As she left, I finally allowed myself to drift off into sleep.

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