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~Nightshade's POV~

A few seconds passed before I had registered the sight before me. Buttercups face filled with pain, not from my weapon, but from an arrow. Some had taken my kill. Right in front of my face.

"Buttercup.." my voice quivered with anger as I knelt down beside her. Her eyes focused on me, but the life was draining from them. "Would someone pay to have you killed?"

The question seemed to stump her, but she nodded nonetheless, pulling all her strength to tell me the sweet and simple answer.

".. S... Solitude.." she breathed, voice choking up. "Sh..Shiro." With that final name, the life left her eyes. I let out a hiss, slamming my fist down on her neck out of anger. No reaction from her, to my dismay.

My eyes scanned the area around me. The guards at the gate of Riften looking as bored as ever, the horses being horses.. who knows who could have done it. Maybe some bandit shot her and got away. I just wish I could tear their throats out. Could Irri have done it? No, she told me she wasn't here to do any killing, she wanted this to be mine. She knew how excited I was. There's no way..

Before making the dreary trip back to Falkreath, I collected whatever valuables Buttercup had on her. Some gold, an emerald pendant, the usual. Not like she would be needing it.


I walked back through the black door, and was surprised to hear another an unfamiliar voice. A jubilant, happy voice. Rushing down the stairs, I almost tripped again as I reached the bottom, though my curiosity kept me on my feet.

(A/N: I suck at remembering dialogue please don't kill me pff QwQ)

"... you would dare risk disobedience, and surely.. punishment?" The jester-looking man said in a strange tone. One look at this guy, and it was clear he was messed in the head, even more messed than me

"Keep talking little man.. we'll see who gets punished." Arnbjorn snarled, eyes filled with dislike. Stupid dog, so quick to judge people, and yet his judgement seemed impeccable. I would know.

"Quiet you big lumbering lapdog! The mans had a long journey, you can at least be civil." Festus shot back at Arnbjoin, who simply grunted with annoyance. "I, for one am very glad you have brought the Night Mother to our Sanctuary, for it is a call back to tradition."

Internally I agreed with Fetus' statement, but didn't speak it. I was not one to share my opinions, as it is a chance to share your weaknesses. Insecurities. Stuff like that.

"Aha! What a kind and wise wizard you are! Sure to win our Lady's favour!" The clown cheered, a smirk on his face. That smirk made me upset, it was so... cheerful. I hated every bit of it, and quickly found myself feeling a faint dislike for the clown. I refused to listen anymore, and simply studied the expressions of my peers.

Astrid was as unreadable as always. As good as I am at reading expressions, Astrid was always one step ahead of me. Arnbjorn looked like he would tear the jester to shreds in seconds, though he looks like that with everybody. Everyone else just appeared intrigued or apathetic. I wasn't sure how I felt. myself

"Just remember, I am the leader of this Sanctuary, and the Night Mother is not going to change that." Astrid's voice interrupted my thoughts, and I resumed listening into the conversation.

"Yes of course! Cicero understands completely." The jester responded with a wink, and it seemed the conversation was done. The room dispersed, everyone going back to their daily routines.

"You! You haven't spoken to Cicero, who are you?" I flinched as the jester pointed at me, almost jumping at me. My fur bristled, and I hurriedly attempted to regain my composure.

"Err.. N-Nightshade.. my name is Nightshade." I responded with a stutter, making me internally cringe. Stuttering shows weakness, and that's bad.

"What a name, I see! Cicero likes you!" He said with a chuckle. My brain finally made the connection, his name was Cicero. He spoke in the third person, what an odd trait. Interesting nonetheless, it's bound to spice up the conversations around here.

"Yea.. I gotta go turn in a contract for Nazir, but we can talk later." My shallow, mumble voice made me feel sick. What a vulnerable coward I must've sounded like.

"Oh, but of course! Cicero will speak to you again later!" His energetic voice was just as maddening as that stupid shit-eating smirk on his face. Quickly, I headed to Nazir, and he gave me the usual; 400 gold.

"Mind giving Irri a cut? She told me she bought some poison for you, it's only respectful." Nazir told me. I nodded, despite wanting to tell him that Irri had run off without me and didn't even give me the poison. Oh well, 200 gold is better than none.

"..Those kids, happy for Grelod's death, but most likely devastated for Buttercups. From what I've heard, she was quite the entertainer..." Babette was speaking to Irri as I approached. She was quietly conversing with the vampire, hardly speaking a word. So quiet, it's so peculiar such a quiet girl turned out to be a Dragonborn.

"Here, Nazir told me to give you half of this." I said, handing Irri 200 gold. Again, she only nodded. Her silence was bothersome at times, but I didn't need thanks. Nobody ever says thank you around here.

"Gah.. I'm going to.. I dunno.. some place where I can get a drink." I huffed, walking away. Honestly, Irri's silence and Babette's snarky remarks were getting to me. My sisters death had no personal effect on me. The only reason I was so bothered was because I felt entitled to spill her blood. We share it after all.

I want to discover who did it, so I can spill their blood instead. It seemed like a fair trade to me. Tomorrow, I head to Solitude.

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