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{Nightshades POV}

My whole body ached, covered in stab wounds and bruises. I'd reverted back into my normal form, and was still laying at the bottom of the cliff, laying in a snowy puddle of my own blood. My arm had quite the nasty hole in it, and I could hardly remembered what had happened.

I attempted to stand, and just barely succeeded. I had to lean against the trees to walk, and I tried to find anything nearby, a house, a village, anything. An inn would be most appreciated. I could drink until I don't feel it.

Stumbling through the forest, I eventually found an inn that I'd never been in before. I entered, and was overwhelmed by the comforting heat. The barkeeper stared at me in shock, seeing how beat up I was, and he met me at the door.

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked, helping me keep my balance. I chuckled, looking at him with mischief despite my horrid appearance.

"You would never believe me.." I said with a chuckle, and the barkeep rolled his eyes. He helped me over to the bar, and I rested my aching body.

"Here," he said, handing me a bottle of mead. "On the house."

"Oh, thanks," I smiled gratefully, and drank it very quickly, hoping the numbness would hit me quicker than usual.

"Now, tell me, what happened to you?" He asked, wiping down a spot on the bar. I sighed, chuckling softly.

"I got into a fight with a Dragonborn." I said, earning a shocked gasp from the man.

"You're not kidding? A real Dragonborn?" he sounded amazed. "How are you not dead?"

"Luck, I suppose." I sighed, and handed him a few gold coins for another cup. He handed it to me, and again I practically chugged it down. "Though it left me in pretty nasty shape,"

"Do you want some bandages for your wounds? That one on your arm seems pretty bad." He asked, and I nodded quickly.

"It'd be nice." I replied. Then I began to think, as the man disappeared into another room. Irri most likely would've told Astrid about me being a werewolf, but I doubt she'll care. Her husband is a werewolf after all. Though she may be upset that I kept it hidden when I really didn't need to. Being a werewolf didn't affect my work.

Irri could've also told them I had died. I mean, it's not unreasonable, I went flying off a cliff and my arm was impaled by a tree branch. I sure thought I was dead, so I must've looked incredibly dead to her. I hope I haven't worried her too much..

The man soon returned, which pulled me from my thoughts. He began to fix up my arm, which basically made the pain invisible. Mixed with the alcohol and stuff. For good measure, he gave me a couple healing potions. With that, I decided I was well enough to start finding my way back.

"Have a good night, ma'am." He called to me, I said goodbye and stepped back out into the snow. I was still stumbling, but more from being somewhat intoxicated.

It had gotten quite dark, so I decided I wouldn't be able to find my way back. Despite having night vision, it didn't work so well after a few drinks. Instead, I went to find a safe place to rest. I found a secluded area of trees and rested against a rock.

The night stars glistened above me, and I just stared at them. I felt sort of peaceful, which was rare these days. I shut my eyes, and fell into a peaceful.

{Irri's POV}

I hadn't stopped thinking about Nightshade ever since I left her at the bottom of that cliff. Two of my friends, dead. What are the chances. I was trying to forget about it, but it was so difficult. Though, it had only been a day, and this sort of stuff comes with time. Sure wish it didn't though.

Suddenly, I heard someone approaching me. I turned around to see Cicero, looking both concerned, but still eerily cheery.

"Where is the Listener? Cicero wants to apologize." He asked, slightly twitching. My stomach did a flip, and I frowned.

"Dead. She fell off a cliff and died." I said, using the coverup Astrid had told me to use. Cicero just completely froze up. I swear he wasn't even breathing for a few moments. Then he burst out laughing.

"Oh- You are so funny! Joking with Cicero like that- you really got him!" He continued laughing maniacally. "Really, where is the Listener?"

"I told you." I responded, and he slowly stopped his laughter. The smirk disappeared from his face, and he was completely blank.

"The Listener can't be dead-" he said slowly, his voice quivering. "The Night Mother simply wouldn't allow it."

"Well apparently she has. That stupid cat is dead." I said, being harsher than necessary to try and distance myself from the whole thing. Cicero just turned and left, back into the Night Mother's chamber without saying another word to me. I hope he wasn't too upset. I don't want to deal with him angry.

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