Chapter 8: Techno & Philza

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Wilbur had said his goodbyes but didn't stay to hear a reply. Toast had fallen asleep in Wilbur's arms with lava still in the corners of his eyes.

Wilbur sighed and carried the child, to the Nether portal.

Techno and Phil needed to know about the youngest in the family. Even if they didn't care for the child, they still deserve to know.

The way to the Techno's house was long and uneasy. The mobs of the Nether didn't bother them thankfully, but the lava made Wilbur uneasy. Seeing as what just happened a few hours ago.

Phil was the first one to see the two. He went over to welcome Ghostbur but stopped in his tracks when he saw Toast and the new Ghostbur.

His voice got caught in his throat when he saw his youngest child as a ghost. Toast was still asleep in Wilbur's arms, snoring softly.

Phil looked back up to Wilbur, but before he could say anything Wilbur spoke.

"I explain when we get inside, it's been a tiring day."

The winged man with blonde hair nodded and started to head back to the house, with the two-ghosts trailing behind.  

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