Are you ok?

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Being a young actress in America sounds amazing but it's harder than what you always see in those movies. Everyone is talking about the 'American Dream' and how rich and famous you will end up when you follow your dreams and go to Hollywood. It's been about 6 years now, I was able to play some smaller roles in some TV series and on Broadway but nothing really happened in my career and I slowly started to give up on it.

Today was supposed to be as normal as every other day. Another casting where they will end up picking someone prettier or more talented than me. It became a routine for me and breaking out of it costs way too much energy which I don't have. Paying rent is getting more and more difficult every month as the parts get smaller or just stay out completely.
It's 7am and I just got out of the shower. I had to leave in 30 minutes but I felt so down recently that I just didn't really care anymore. I somehow still managed to get dressed, eat breakfast and do my make up and hair in time so I left early enough to be there perfectly in time.

The people welcomed me and I took a seat in the waiting area, in front of the casting room. Two other girls where there and I already started to compare myself and how one of them will get the part anyways.

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't even hear the casting director calling me in until she repeated herself for another time. "Oh, that's me. I'm sorry." I apologize and quickly stood up before I followed her into the room and stood right at the marker on the floor. 'Please introduce yourself really quick before we start the casting.' The casting director said sternly as she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

"Of course. My name is Evelyn and I'm 26 years old. I've been acting for 6 years now and played some smaller parts in TV series and Broadway." I smiled at her and the rest of the people before she motioned that I should start with the audition for the part.
My performance wasn't too long but it was
everything that was required by the casting director. They started mumbling and whispering and ended up making me go back outside to the waiting area. I realized quick enough that the other girls have been auditioning before me and we were probably all waiting for the results now.

After probably 30 minutes of waiting and becoming more and more nervous the casting director came out of the room and cleared her throat before she looked at all of us. 'Alright, we enjoyed every single performance a lot but one girl was standing out. It wasn't perfect but I think with some guidance of us and the actress she will play alongside it all will be coming out amazing.' She stopper for a second and I felt the tension in the room getting higher and everyone was just hoping that the next thing they hear is there name. ' Evelyn, congratulations! You got the part! Please check your email regularly from now on as all other instructions will be send to you via email!'
I was sitting there, hearing what she said but I couldn't believe what name I heard. Did I really just get the part? Did this really just happen?
The other girls got up and left as they mumbled and gave me some dirty looks and I slowly got up and thankfully shook the brunettes hand. "Thank you so much." I smiled happily and continued to leave the building before squealing in excitement and calling my mom. "I made it!! Mom this is my chance! I got a part in a movie!"

After I came home and probably told everyone I met on the way what happened today I checked my emails and actually found one from them asking me to come to the set tomorrow morning so I can have a look and meet the whole crew before we start shooting. So I spend the rest of my day with preparing myself for tomorrow and I went to bed very early.


When I heard my alarm the next morning I basically jumped out of my bed and run into the bathroom. Same routine as everyday but with much more happiness and motivation to it. I did my make up a bit but not too much and I put on a beige blouse, some black pants and a belt. My hair was shoulder length and slightly wavy and I left it like that because I liked the look of it. I grabbed a coffee on the way and ended up being one of the first people on set.
I was wandering around, seeing some people that worked here and my eyes ended up on a blonde woman. She was facing the other way as she was talking to someone else. I was so busy looking at the back of her head that I walking straight into someone's trailer and hit my head before falling onto my butt. Fuck... did someone see that?!
I rubbed my forehead and before I could get myself up again I heard a deep, soft voice and as I glanced up I saw the blonde woman from earlier looking down at me. 'Are you ok?'

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