I like you, Evelyn

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Her voice was so soft and comforting that I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and let her hold me while I slowly fall apart in her arms but I knew I couldn't do that. I inhaled deeply before I sat up properly and looked at her with watery eyes. "I'm just not hungry and yes I am nervous. It's the first time I actually get to be part of such a big production." I said softly as I knew that my voice would break if I would try to sound confident so I just didn't even try.

'I told you before and I really meant it. I'm here for you and I can give you advise and try to help you out ok? The start of your career is always a bit bumpy but it's easier with some assistance.' She look at me and her voice was so calming and made me feel so protected from all the awful things in the world. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I uhm do have a question." I looked up at her and slightly fidget with my fingers as I wait for her eyes to meet mine.

"Since we already have the script to a certain point, could we maybe try some of the lines somewhere more private.. I don't want to have my first go in front of everyone and end up messing up.." I finally asked after she looked at me and nodded while giving me a soft smile. God she is so beautiful, I saw some of her movies before but up close... she is breathtaking. 'Of course! I have a trailer around the corner of you want to do it now? Or maybe go and grab at least a bit too eat and after that?' She interrupted my inner voice with her suggestion and I frowned a bit before I ended up nodding. "Fine but I don't want to eat too much."

We got up and went inside before taking a seat and having a bit to eat, even though I really didn't want to eat. I had a sandwich and some juice and as we both were done we excused ourselves and headed back out and to her trailer. 'After you' She smiled and held the door open for me as I chuckled and shook my head while getting inside of the trailer. "Do you live her for the time we shoot?" I turn around and ask her as it looked cozy yet not like a place you really wanted to stay at over night.
'Oh no, I'm staying in a hotel down the road! This isn't very safe for obvious reasons.' She laughed and sat down on the small couch before petting the space next to her. 'Take a seat.'

I don't know why but for some reason I got very shy out of nowhere but slowly made my way over to her and sat down. 'Alright what scene do you want to practice first? The once in the beginning are quite easy but later on they get a bit more... a bit more physical.' She cleared her throat as she read ahead and it seemed like it was the first time she actually read that far into the script. "Uhm well yes the first couple scenes are ok, but uhm I just wasn't sure how to even approach the uhm the more physical scenes.." I started to stutter a bit and when I turned the page to where she was I felt my jaw dropping. They put a sex scene in there, which wasn't a problem at all but it was kind of early into the movie. "Oh Uhm... I mean uh.." I felt my face starting to burn as it turned bright red and I swallowed harshly as I looked down.

'Well, I could show you how to approach me for that scene. If you would like that..' Somehow, her tone shifted a lot from before and I felt my face burning as I looked up at her and saw her looking at me. "Y- yes... I think t- that would be good." I stuttered slightly as I got up and looked back at the script. 'So, I will be standing here and you will be dancing in the middle of the trailer, leave the rest to me for now.' She said with her deep, soothing voice that made me want to melt. "Yes." Was the only thing I was physically able to respond before I started to dance in her trailer.

For a minute I thought she was making fun of me as she wasn't doing anything but when I wanted to turn around to look at her I felt her hands on my hips and my cheeks started to burn again. 'What are you doing here... I told you to stay at home..' She whispered her line in my ear and I felt how she moved closer so we were basically grinding against each other while dancing to no music. "I couldn't just sit there while you are out here... alone.." I tried to focus on the lines but when she started to move her hands all over my sides and stomach, up to my chest and down to my thighs I stumbled a bit.

'Are you ok? Is it too much?' She backed off and I get her looking at me but I was scared to turn around and look at her as I knew for a fact that my face was bright red. "I- I'm fine, we can continue I just stumbled." I mumbled a bit and not too long after that I felt her touch again and before I could even say my line again I felt her spin me around and pin me against the wall of her trailer before she continues to look me up and down. I felt her face coming closer to mine but she missed me and leaned into me before she whispered in my ear. 'I like you, Evelyn.'

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