𝟎𝟏| carpool buddies

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"HURRY up Y/N!" Sasha plopped her head onto the vanity table, making the girl quickly pull her hand away to avoid accidentally burning someone.

"Quit doing that! It's just going to take longer if you keep moving Sasha," she complained as she held the hot curling iron a safe distance away from the both of them.

It was around 5 pm and they were just waiting on Ymir and Historia to get back from the store before they started making their way to Connie's house. His parents were on another business trip and the outgoing boy saw it as the perfect opportunity to throw another one of his infamous parties. Sasha started to ramble about something that happened in one of her classes last week but Y/N had not been paying that much attention as she finished curling the brunette's hair. A few hours earlier, Sasha had personally asked her friend for some outfit advice which had ignited a spark in Y/N. That's how they found themselves two and a half hours later still doing finishing touches on Sasha's hair and makeup.

Disregarding Y/N's way of avoiding the dating scene and one-night stands, she certainly had a bit of experience. After all, she wasn't a virgin. During her first year, she made a couple of impulsive decisions and forced herself to get out there and start fooling around. After a handful of bad experiences, she moved on and decided that she would allow that area of her life to develop naturally over time. Since then, she never once pondered on the idea of actually getting into a genuine relationship with someone. She believed she was too young for that and would much rather continue to have no strings attached with any attractive person she happened to meet at a party. She was used to catching the eye of an attractive new face and having to do very little before they ended up in the same bed. Y/N sighed as flashbacks of her many previous affairs came to mind, an unpleasant one in particular lingering at the back of her thoughts.

     "Sasha, hypothetically speaking, who do you think I would have a crush on?" Y/N speaks with hesitation, running her fingers through the girl's hair to keep herself distracted.

     "You didn't give Ymir and me many hints but I think we were both thinking the same thing," Sasha paused for a moment, looking at her friend through the mirror.

"Before you even say it, Sasha, no it's not him," Y/N lifted her head, meeting her friend's gaze in the reflection. "I've already told you guys that we were drunk that one night and we're just friends."

"But Y/N, I've never seen him so... defensive of someone," Sasha said with a small smile. "I mean we all thought you two fell for each other right then.

     "Well you guys were wrong," Y/N's voice is laced with an emotion Sasha can't quite pinpoint. "And everyone knows he likes to sleep around with girls then ghost them the next day."

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