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Waking up to blinding lights is never good.  They streak through the windows and hurt my tired morning eyes.  I will say, it is not my favorite way to wake up.

I finally peel my eyes open, but quickly shut them groaning at the invasion of the morning sun into my unfocused pupils.

When I eventually come to and focus on my surroundings, I am instantly alarmed, humiliated, upset, angry, nervous and.... surprisingly giddy.

I am sitting in the crib that I had seen in the room that they brought me in yesterday.  I see that everything looks the same as yesterday, except my outfit.

My cheeks blaze... 'They saw me naked' I think to myself. 

I do not know why but I feel betrayed in a way.  Like, they should not have ever been able to do that without my consent.  That idea, by itself, sounds like a joke because there is no way that I would ever give my consent to them.

They kidnapped me, they have humiliated me, belittled me, punished me, hurt me, made me cry, took away my pride...took away me.

Tears start to well up in my eyes as everything just starts hitting me at full force.  I have never been the strongest person in any situation.  So, I know there is no way I will ever be capable of being strong in this one.  I feel like curling into a ball and just staying there forever.  Wrapped in my own arms as I cry myself to sleep repeatedly until one day everything goes away, and I just fade.


I know that I cannot give up on myself like this, I cannot just let go of everything that has happened to me in my life, everything I been through, every time I was broken. 

I shake my head.  I have been broken so many times before.  And every time I managed to get back up.  This is not me being strong.  No, I do not call this strength.  I call it dignity.  I call it self-love, and self-respect...and honestly a bit of pride, what little I do have left.

With little energy and determination that I have I attempt to stand up, only to fall back down due to this squishy and unbalanced mattress.

My arms feel weak for some unknown reason as I grab onto the side bars of the crib for support.

Pulling my body weight up I stand on the side of the crib I know I must escape somehow....I will escape.

I just have to make them trust me

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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