S01E04 - No Man's Land

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Meredith: "Intimacy is a four-syllable word for, 'Here are my heart and soul. Please grind them into hamburger and enjoy.' It's both desired and feared, difficult to live with and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to life's three R's: Relatives, romance and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't wanna know."


George: "You don't understand! Me gonads, you ovaries."
Izzie: "Oh, that reminds me. We're out of tampons."
George: "You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I'm naked in the shower!"
Izzie: "Can you add it to your list, please?"
George: "What?!"
Izzie: "Tampons!"
Meredith: "To the list. It's your turn."
George: "I am a man! I don't buy girl products. I don't want you walking in, while I'm in the shower and I don't want to see you in your underwear!"
Izzie: "It doesn't bother me, okay? Look at me in my underwear, George. Take your time, it's no big deal."

Patient with nails in head: "I can't see my hands."
George: "Oh my god, he's conscious!" 
Alex: "Breathe deeply, George. You won't pass out."

Izzie: "Here. My share of the grocery money. When are you going?"
George: "Tonight."
Izzie: "Okay, seriously, George. Please don't..."
George: "Yeah, could we not talk about it here?"
Izzie: "What, tampons?"
George: "Did you not hear a word I said?"
Izzie: "You're a man, we know."

Meredith: "She wanted me to send her regards."
Liz: "Doesn't sound like her."
Meredith: "Excuse me?"
Liz: "Well, the Ellis Grey I know didn't have regards for anyone except Ellis Grey. But you know that already, don't you? Where is she now?"
Meredith: "Traveling."
Liz: "Traveling?"
Meredith: "Yeah."
Liz: "Huh. Is she practicing?"
Meredith: "Not so much."
Liz: "Oh. Doesn't sound like her, either. She was all work, just like me. She never left the hospital. But you know that, too, don't you? Is she well?"
Meredith: "She's fine."
Liz: "Good."
Meredith: "Just wanted to send her regards. Take care."
Liz: "Yeah."

Izzie: "I reminded you before you went!"
George: "I forgot when I got there."
Izzie: "No, no. You were so passive-aggressive."
George: "Naked. I am naked in the shower!"
Izzie: "They're just tampons, George. I really needed tampons! God. I'm not riding in the same car with him."
Meredith: "Unless you're going like that you're not riding with me. Where are the tampons?"
Izzie: "He didn't buy them." 
Meredith: "You didn't buy them?"
George: "Men don't buy tampons!"
Izzie: "You are gonna have to get over the man thing, George! We're women! We have vaginas! Get used to it!"
George: "I am not your sister!"

Alex: "Oh boy, I guess they do airbrush out the tattoo, don't they?"
Izzie: "You want to see it? You really want to see it? Fine. Let's look at that tattoo up close and personal, shall we?! And what are these? Oh my god! Breasts! How does anybody practice medicine hauling these things around?! And what do we got back here? Let's see if I remember my anatomy. Glutes, right? Let's study them, shall we?! Gather around and check out the booty that put Izzie Stevens through med school. Have you had enough or should I continue? Because I have a few more very interesting tattoos. You want to call me Dr. Model? That's fine. Just remember that while you're sitting on 200 grand of student loans, I'm out of debt."

Liz: "Hey."
Meredith: "I told my mother about you. She rememberes you very well." 
Liz: "Of course she would. Ellis Grey never forgot a thing."
(Meredith starts laughing)
Meredith: "I'm sorry. It's not really funny. It's not funny, but..."
Liz: "What's her diagnosis?"
Meredith: "Alzheimer's. Early onset."
Liz: "And she doesn't want anyone to know."
Meredith: "No. She's in a nursing home, and I'm the only person she'll allow to see her."
Liz: "But if I know Ellis Grey, she made the nursing home sign a contract to that effect."
Meredith: "You know my mother well."
Liz: "What a bitch."
(Both start laughing)

Izzie: "The woman's life was this hospital. It was her home. It's a sweet thing for them to do."
Cristina: "It's a waste of a bed, and it's a waste of my time."
Meredith: "Who are we talking about?"
Cristina: "Liz Fallon. They brought her here to die."
Izzie: "Wouldn't you want them to do the same thing for you?"
Cristina: "No. You know what, I'd want the doctors to do everything they could. I'd want them to cut me open until the minute I die." 
Meredith: "Sometimes doing everything can be worse than doing nothing."

Cristina: "You are eight feet tall. Your boobs are perfect. Your hair is down to there. If I were you, I would walk around naked all the time. I wouldn't... I wouldn't have a job. I wouldn't have skills. I wouldn't even know how to read. I'd just be naked."
Izzie: "It's makeup. It's retouching."
Cristina: "You get that we hate you, right?"

Cristina: "You know, sometimes it's actually painful to be around you!"

Dr. Bailey: "Dr. Victor, I'm sorry. But these are viable nerves. We should save them."
Dr. Victor: "It'll take at least an hour longer, and we might not get it all."
Izzie: "You know, they call him Limp Harry."
Dr. Bailey: "But his prognosis with chemo is nearly as good. And frankly, if you're worried about missing your tee time, I'd be more than happy to finish. Dr. Stevens."
Dr. Victor: "Can we help you?"
Izzie: "I'm sorry, Dr. Bailey. Dr. Victor, I agree with her. You just can't... You have to save the nerves."
Dr. Victor: "What?"
Izzie: "The nerves. You have to save them."
Dr. Bailey: "Dr. Stevens, I can handle this."
Izzie: "No, you told me the most important thing is giving the patient what they want. What Humphrey wants is his erection."
Dr. Victor: "She's yours. You get her out."
Dr. Bailey: "Can't do that, Sir. You know how these young puppies are."
Dr. Victor: "I'm going to tell Richard about both of you."
Dr. Bailey: "You do that. In the meantime, let's pretend it's you on this table and give this a try."


 Meredith: "I wish there were a rule book for intimacy. Some kind of a guide that could tell you when you've crossed the line. It would be nice if you could see it coming. And I don't know how you fit it on a map. You take it where you can get it and keep it as long as you can. And as for rules; maybe there are none. Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself."

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