chapter three

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"Where's Bill?" She asks. "Why?" She pushes past me. "Hey!"

"Bill!" She shouts. "Where are you" He doesn't respond. She runs upstairs and I follow her quickly.
"What did you do to him!?" Sam screams. "Nothing, someone cut him with a knife."

Bill looks at her "D-don't do this Sam" I look at Bill.

"Bill, why is she here?" I ask. "Well, you nosey bitch, it's because he's my boyfriend and I saw him coming here." Sam interrupts.

"What do you mean boyfriend?" I ask.  "Are you fucking deaf." She pulls her ear. "Bill tell me this isn't true." He looks down.

Sam helps him up. "Don't you ever come near me or Bill again!" She shouts. "Get the fuck out my house!" She rolls her eyes.

While Sam and Bill left my house, I felt my eyes starting to water. Bill looks at me scaredly, trying to hold back his tears. He looks scared.

"What was that?" Emmett asks. I shake my head and I run to my room. I fall on my bed and I curl myself into a ball.

Bill's POV

"I don't want you near that slut ever again, do you hear me!" I nod and continue walking.

I see my mom in her car coming down the road, I wave her down. Sam pulls me away but she was too weak to hold me, so I pushed her off me.

My mom stops close by. I look at Sam and she says, "Sorry about Ben, just don't leave me...okay?"

I ignore her and I get in my mom's car, and I sit on the point of the seat.

"Bill are you okay?" My mom asks. "J-j-just drive."

She drives off, at least Sam didn't manage to keep me with her.

"Now tell me what's wrong." I clear my throat. "N-nothing, I fell and I skid my back, but Y/n h-helped me."

"What?" I just stared out of the car window. "Y/n is a sweet girl."

"I-I know mom." We arrived at the house.

I sigh, "I-i-i wish I chose Y/n over Sam." My mother looks at me in disbelief. "Well no shit." I smile. "You can still change this Bill, leave Sam and go for Y/n."

"You don't understand, she is dangerous." I say without stuttering. "B-but I..." I groan. "Let's just...get inside"

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